Third place is not bad considering that it was my second tournament. Here are my deckbuilding strategies:
No shields, no healing = fast damage is needed.
After EQ was banned, I felt that the only significant CC were BB and Owl's Eye.
And also, there was another important thing:
Nothing can stop weapon damage, just PC, but PC will be rare, or there will be none (as it turned out to be true).
Here are my decks that I used:
"Maximum Capacity CC Air Stall Deck against annoying BB Rushes": (frankly, this was the name I gave it

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5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5od 5od 5od 5od 5od 5od 5of 5of 5oh 5oh 5ol 5ol 5ol 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 8pr
The trick was to get the Owl's Eye out in the first turn, and shoot down everything. Shockwaves for dragons, thunderstorm for dragonflies.
I used this against nensuru first, but I was stupid, and when I saw that he/she used aether quanta, I pulled my dragon back for 2 turns being afraid of a PU spam. The spam happened anyway, and I would have won if I hadn't wasted my precious rounds.

Here is the second deck I used:
"modded BB Rush Control":
On my first go, I realized that changing a hematite golem to a Pulverizer is crucial, so after my first 2 wins, I changed that.
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58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58q 58t 58t 58v 591 591 591 591 591 591 595 595 595 595 595 595 8pm
Here are my other decks that never meant to be used but were successful in the trainer:
Dragonian Sky Blitz Rush:
Average 7,3 TTW against monopillar deck. The best rush I could put together.
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5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5of 5of 5of 5of 5of 5of 5ol 5op 5op 5op 5op 8pr
modified FFQ spam:
It had an average of 7,5 TTW against monopillar, and the adrenalines were there against BB. Nensuru used this strategy as well in his/her second round, and he/she won against my modded BB rush, so it was a working deck.
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5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oj 5oj 5oj 5oj 5ok 5ok 5ok 5ok 5ol 5op 5op 8pr
All in all, I have to say that predicting what the enemy will use was the hardest and most essential part of this tourney. Rushes beat stall, stall beats BB decks, BB decks beat rushes. This was an evil circle, where we had to predict our roles.