Q: Airborne?
Yes.Q: Why did you ban Nymph's Tears and Boneyard?
A: All the creatures it generates are non-Airborne.
Q: Are QP allowed? If yes, if i use QPs, do i have to use 3 :other non-zero cost cards?
A: Yes, Quantum Pillar is allowed. If you do use Quantum Pillar, you don't need to use 3 non-zero cost cards from Other. Note that Other is not really an element.
Q: Can I use a mark that is not in the lineup, without using any cards of that mark?
A: Yes.
Q: Do cards of an element that cost other quanta count in non-zero cast cards?
A: Yes.
Q: Are standalone marks allowed?
A: Yes. They count as a zero cost card from the element it represents. For example, Mark of Aether is an Aether card.