Can we have the rule, that TO's checking the deck after each game, because of illegality? Not sure if I am right, but because of speedbuilding, ppl may do mistakes during the buildíng phase.
As far as I know, the deck-check rule was deleted, because it slowed down tournaments and people didn't join because of that. Now there is an unwritten replacement rule that says: Before you begin your matches with your opponent, ask him to save his decks. After your 2 or 3 duels finished, you can ask him to send you his used decks. It is forbidden to refuse showing the decks if deck-check was asked after the matches.
However, I'm open for deck-checks, so whenever I'm organizing, you can ask your opponent that you both send your decks to me. This becomes much more complicated when the TO is participating too (and I plan to join this one ^^).
Dm Edit : If I'm around, feel free to toss me your decks instead of to Submachine, specially if he's also playing. I can check them just as fine, and it decreases workload for him.