Legit is lucky he didn't face me; I'd have beat both those decks

In fact, I did beat that first one earlier in the tourney.
I already erased the codes I used, but I had a couple antimatter stall duos that did reasonably well. The best deck I had was a monoearth stall, though. It lost once to laxadarap when it was quanta screwed; one more pillar early instead of 3 dragons to start and it would've worked. I lost my first game to hainkgara because she used that same monoearth stall and I used a smaller entropy/light stall, and lost my 2nd one with the monoearth stall due to rng flooding me with quanta even though it was against monoair and would've won nine times out of ten.
The stalls were definitely too powerful today. Of the games I played today, the only times a stall lost were either to another stall or in my very last game to hainkgara, which was a fluke. The card list had no PC except steal, and there were only two darkness cards, so you couldn't really use it outside a giant rainbow like legit and jenkar did. Most of the good rushing creatures weren't used, and a lot of good CC was missing, too, as were 11/12 weapons. We also didn't really have any sort of stallbreaking cards to get around a stall setup, like pulverizer, firefly queen, pharaoh, eternity, etc. Most of the stall vs stall games I played were simply won by the bigger deck, and anytime I saw stall vs rush, the stall won unless it got quanta screwed.