I built a ton of decks yesterday due to the varied meta, and then I built a bunch more because I had a round 1 bye that took awhile to finish, so I ended up with 20 decks. However, pre-finals, I only used three of them, and then I used two more I hadn't used yet in the finals. Other than 'thief of time', which I built while I had the bye, and was my worst deck, I made all the ones I used before the tourney.
adrenastaves with squid (2-0)
round 1 game 2 vs coffee win vs a rainbow deck of some sort; he had a poor draw
round 2 game 3 vs glenn win due to deckout vs fire/light/gravity stall trio, he bottomdecks fahren
thief of time (0-1)
round 2 game 1 loss vs glenn to raging colossals due to quanta screw/no eternity. If he'd had deflag for eternity (no idea if he did or not) this would've been a terrible matchup and a near-certain loss even if I'd drawn better
And the best deck I used today...
pharaohquake (4-0)
round 1 game 1 win vs coffee's rainbow
round 2 game 2 vs glennfoo win vs rage/sanc with qps
round 3 game 1 vs blacksmith win vs toadfish/gpull deck
round 3 game 2 vs blacksmith win vs dragon/pharaoh/eternity deck
A quick earthquake was the deciding factor in every single game with this deck.
As is my custom, my prize will be from the winning deck. I have a time mark already, so that's an earth mark. Earthquake was really strong in this tourney, since a lot of the best cards were really expensive, so losing pillars hurt really bad. Nearly every good deck I could think of needed a boatload of quanta to function, so denying that quanta was definitely a good strategy. Another factor that shaped the meta fairly strongly was that most of the CC was not in spell form, which gave people time to react. Things like squids, carapace, purple nymph, parasite, all require a turn to do anything. Other than fire and entropy and gravity pull, there wasn't anything in this category.
In the finals, I didn't really care about the trophy, and used these two decks:
voodoo roflbow (1-0)
round 4 game 1 win vs deuce using what looked basically like my pharaohquake, he had fail quanta draw though, and no early quake
flying stars (1-0) (oops, guess this one is illegal... sorry, i think i took out a 6th flying weapon trying to optimize it and didn't notice it was needed to meet the rules)
round 2 game 2 win vs eternity/steal deck with pharaohs and gold nymph. He doesn't draw creatures until it's way too late, and flying glory is unrewindable