I can't see why nova or immolation would be banned, would they even produce a viable deck?
Why yes. Immolation and Nova generate simple quanta for everyone why also being part of the deck. 5 Nova spells would then generate quanta for skills or other stuff that would be though to get in our trio function. It also is a free spell, however still in element. This makes it necessarily a 5 free-entropy card (getting rid of spells), and then we can throw in anything as permanents or creatures and make the permanent-creature deck the main part of it with only pendulum, making the deck necessarily a "Duo", although it would still be considered a trio.
The way or the other Nova and Immolation are almost always taken away from the tourneys since
they're too mainstream on most tourneys decks with them would be OP (not this case) and because.. diversity.. and other stuff.
He posts it because in a simple PM to the TO's, a change may not be seen by the public in time for the tournament, which can lead to issues. It is much better to make potential issues public now, than real issues become public way too late.
Well of course if the result is change or necessary clarification for the tournament then I wouldn't expect the TO's to keep it a secret but rather post it on the Tournament thread as they do all the ban pics, subsequent additions to it, and add'l info...
An Edit does not bump the thread up. If he really did question the TO's in PM, the Tournament Thread gets updated and then someone does not read it (Which is totally that person's fault) and comes up with the now banned deck, and claims that since it was legal before he shouldn't get a penalty and that bumps and changes in the rules should be announced better and the like, etc. etc. From your own post, we can see that (potentially, not definitely) it isn't impossible that someone makes a deck like that. PM'ing it to TO's makes the change somewhat of a secret and only noticed by people the day the tournament starts and some people -still- won't see it. (Again, not TO's fault.)
No, no. It is much better to say these things out in the open.