Looking at the cards for this week, two things immediately came to mind: Light was OP, and gravity shield stops everything except monolife and unstable gas.
Decks I used:
monolight with gravity shield stall
Given my observations, this is the first deck I built. I used it once in rounds 1, 2, and the final, and it won all three; the first two were conceded once the shield hit the table.
I've used this deck several times in tourneys, with minor variations depending on the meta/allowed cards. It lost to calin's unstable gas (he had 1hp left!) and it won in the finals vs frogtal, and I think I used it one other time and won, but I forget what I faced.
After losing to calin's gas deck and then winning game 2, I thought he would go back to the gas deck, so I built this on the spot. He didn't reuse the gas deck, but he did use fractal psions. With lightnings. He conceded as soon as emerald shield hit the table. That was the only time I used this deck, though I did encounter a very similar one when Arthanasios used it, and I think Rutarete used frogtal as well.
light stall with phase dragons
I only used this one once as well, versus Arthanasios. He'd used frogtal and then flying/PU OE, and I figured this would hopefully beat both. I forget what he used now, but I think it was the OEs again.
light/water stall
Sensing a theme here? Just a different way to stall with light. I used this one a couple times; it beat frogtal and won another game or two, and lost to the trident/nymph deck laxadarap posted above.
I also used the light/gravity shield deck once, except with emerald shields/life mark in place of the grav shields/grav mark, because I was expecting unstable gas again. This was for game 1 vs Rutarete. Since up to that point I had only lost to unstable gas, and Rutarete made it to the semis, I thought maybe he was using that deck. He wasn't; he used a gravity/life rush, but I managed to win anyway. If he'd gotten a green nymph faster I might've lost; dunno how many he had, but he only got 1, and it was too late to turn the tide.