1-2 vs Weeaboo0-1 Steam Purify vs. Psion Mito Dims
1 ppm start... halftime we dc'd. I still had a chance to win, but misplayed a freeze on a non-mito Psion.
1-1 Cockatrice Mito Purify vs. UG
UG was too slow to stop the cockatrices (bonds helped also).
1-2 Emerald Dragons/Shield Purify vs. Phase Dragon Dims
Damned dims. He was able to chain them, I lost. In the last turn I had 5 Dragons on the table, reducing his hp to half,
but that wasn't enough... (... and not getting any Purifies (4) from 19 cards

small help but it could have given me another turn).
0-2 vs Zso_Zso0-1 Poison Purify vs. Psion Dims Purify
Yeah... I haven't played Poison against Weeaboo, I played it now, when it was useless due to Purify. 1 ppm start again.
0-2 Mind Flayer Psion Dims Purify
Nobody is playing poison against me... Still I was able to halt Zso with my Mind Flayers. It really pisses me off that BE is
usually worthless and when it is used against me I use a really slow deck. Oh yeah, and that Thorn Carapace... I purified
my Flayers but still, it seemed that shield hit like 90% instead of 75%. No disrespect, but Zso had only 2 BEs and 2 Lycans
and still had the BE in hand, and played the Lycan after a few turns... Nice deck, I also was thinking about BEs, but 2 BEs
in a 35 card deck... sigh.
2-0 vs Toasterman2471-0 Cockatrice Emerald Sh Purify vs. Psion Mito Dims
Had 3 Emerald Shields. What's your guess when did one of them come? Card #17. Bonds were able to keep me alive until then.
2-0 Cockatrice Thorn Emerald Purify vs. Cockatrice Mito Emerald Purify
This time I had 3 Thorns and only 2 Emeralds. Of course I've got Emeralds in my hand, cause he haven't got any Psions...
Thorns eventually came as card #14. A bit late but Bonds kept me alive again.