Hello, dear tournament participants!
We plan a new retro month on July, and this time, it shall be your choice to which tournaments will be replayed!
From now on, you have 1 week to post your favourite tournament(s) in this thread. Please add the link to the tournament's topic, so other's won't need to search for it. In order to qualify for retro, it shouldn't be newer than 2015.
After this week, we will create a poll with your suggestions, which will be open for 2 more weeks. Depending on the number of entries, every player is given an amount of votes - the 5 tournaments with the most votes will make it to retro-July!
Please note that we might adjust the rules a bit, if there used to be overpowered decks that need to be nerfed, or simply to make it a little different. The main idea will, of course, stay! You can also suggest your own modifications when posting them.
To post your suggestions, you have
Voting is now up!
Click on each option for a link to the tournament's page. TO Mystery Choice will be a retro tournament chosen by the TOs and will not be revealed until the week of it's use.