It would be better if week after week, instead of having a list of banned/playable cards, they come up with or use a more creative idea. For the most part, when I play a tourney regular, if the cards are available, they will use one of the I'll say top 4-5 pvp decks.
The problem with this is, the players are not required to make decks around these cards, but rather just have them in the deck. So to make this kind of tourney better, if the focus had to be on these cards, and that means not making graboid decks with antlions in it, or a mono aether with silence, dim shield and phase dragons, but as you can see by the list non of these can really be the focus of a deck.
Is anyone actually going to use flooding? How about the shield? Sure trident would be useful, but why not use quake instead because then you don't have to have water quanta.
I could see people just using firestalls with short bows and flying weapons. Or even 4 short bows, 2 shields, and put out an early shield until you can get a fire shield out.
And again, there is no way to verify who has legal decks. And no TO is gonna go through the trouble of checking everyone's decks somehow.