3-2 Icecoldbro vs test0290 (me Rastafla) the final
Game by game breakdown
0-1 to test0290
My fire phenix/deflags/faren etc killed his aether dims/dragons/lobo phenixes and faren pummeled his hp down fast and his dragon did slow dmg. Used deflag and ran past and then bolted the last 8 hp away.
1-1 to Icecoldbro
I (test0290) missed to use time mark in monoearth

and couldn't evolve my graboids, had 5 out that pummeled his hp down to 35ish and his single shrieker (two by the last turn) killed me after a prolonged game where I earthquaked all his pillars and he earthquacked half of mine.
1-2 to test0290
My darkness with dragons/devourers/steals killed Icecoldbros aether dim/dragons/lobo. Deployed several dragons
and devoured his aether. Dusk and vamp dagger did mild dmg and steal was used to byepass dim shields.
2-2 to Icecoldbro
air with owl eyes and my fire again in a close game. One fog and One owl always hitting one of 2 pheonixes no deflags until too late and his (icecoldbro) dragons rushed past.
3-2 to Icecoldbro
My darkness devourers dragons was chanceless vs his monofire with growing golems
I congratulate you on this win icecoldbro. It pains me that i missed the 3-1 socre to myself just by a stupid stupid mistake but Im sure that this win will make you reach for more pvp. It ill be fun to fight yu in later tournaments again =D