The actually Chimera card is a spell, even though it creates a creature.
Quote from: Conchobear on July 08, 2011, 12:53:24 amEdit: Aww never mind. On my timezone it's at 2am and I have to be up early on Saturday.There is another tournament (same theme) 12 hours later.Western Tournament (,28354.0/topicseen.html)
Edit: Aww never mind. On my timezone it's at 2am and I have to be up early on Saturday.
Quote from: RootRanger on July 08, 2011, 03:48:02 amThe actually Chimera card is a spell, even though it creates a creature. Are you sure about this? The wiki ( says it's a creature and it has no spel- lightning-bolt-symbol (it has + | + for its power/health)In many regards it behaves more like a spell but it would be odd for a Chimera creature targeted by reverse time to create a spell card.
Boneyard and feral bond allowed?
6 boneyards + 6 sparks + feral bond = 36 skeletons healing user ... I don't think author of tournament would want that to happen.
The potential healing of a deck is irrelevant if it doesn't live to reach it Not to mention the maximum number of creatures on your board is 23.