Q: Pretty pictures of cards allowed?
A: All Pillars and Pendulums are also allowed.
Blank card is SoSe.
For unupped versions, Dragonfly and Gnome Rider are banned, since its cost is no longer 0. Unupped Chaos Seed is banned, since it's CC instead of a buff).
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6rs 6s1 6u0 6u2 6u3 6u4 6u6 6u8 715 717 71b 71f 749 74a 74h 74i 77c 77d 77e 77i 77j 7aj 7ak 7an 7dl 7dm 7dp 7gp 7h0 7jp 7jt 7jv 7k0 7k4 7mt 7n0 7n2 7n8 7n9 7q2 7q3 7q5 7q9 7qb 7t8 7t9 7ta 7ti 809 80d 80h 80k 8pu
Q: If I get a banned card with SoSe, am I allowed to use it?
A: Yes.