Sorry, I could appear on time.
50 minutes after the deadline. Wow. This is my worst attempt ever.
Grats homo. You're so lucky 
Thanks for the gratz. Beating both PuppyChow and Jumbalumba on the way to the finals had nothing to do with luck though.
Thats saddening how the champs are champs due to forfiet
Yeah, it's really sad. And we waited for 20 minutes instead of the official 5mins too. It would have been awesome.
How the HELL could this happen?! Its unacceptable that someone wins the tournament from a BYE!
If someone leaves during the tournament you go back and get the most recent beat player which was ytn2006!
If we were to follow this then Jumba should be 2nd place. Or, i would have to battled it out with Jumba again? ytn2006 was away from chat. He left the chatroom already. Technically, Jumba won over him via forfeit as well. But since he came back 10 minutes or so afterwards and Jumba didn't want 3rd place or electrum and just basically didn't want to play anymore, he gave ytn2006 the win.
When do i get my forum icon reward?