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# | PLAYERS Antagon Angusrox Lordpants Girlsgeneration Safko01 wassd13 finkel Marisa utahclock Nevermore icecoldbro killsdazombies (hidden blade) Belthazar666 ThePirateSheep Collimatrix edunavas jk101386 zeru(ziom2150) MXXE violenceisanart bnm850 saberioninja (saberioninja) loudog kilo zelmartin soldiersf parrotparet verybored jumbalumba reppinmn |
# | RESERVE jheamay Anothebrother (APChemGrinder1) Svenningen rastafla Troh Chenbot Demagog (Socrdawg) binde22 plastiqe Unionruler 1chase1997 humptydumper (kikkles) lava golem xdawnbydeath rotface (crawling94) |
players | reserves |
Antagon Angusrox Lordpants Girlsgeneration Safko01 | zeru(ziom2150) jheamay Anothebrother (APChemGrinder1) Svenningen rastafla killsdazombies (hidden blade) Troh Chenbot |
are we even gonna have enough people for the eastern tournament?Yep, it's looking pretty grim for Eastern Tournament. We might have to change that time slot to get more players.
if i have pillars from a 2nd element can i still use it here?Cards from only one element are allowed.
ingame name: lava golemFirst line in the special rules.
Question: can shard of divinity be played? It's from the 'other' catagory but it's upgraded.
MXXEi think you answered your own question, an earth pillar belongs to the earth element, if you put it in an all fire deck then your deck is no longer mono.
Question: It is "one element only" but it is also "card that have no cost to play count as that element". Does that mean now that I can make a :fire fire mono and add :earth earthpillars that are no cost to play and then use lavagolems growth or does it mean that I am only allowed to consume quanta of one element?
Question: It is "one element only" but it is also "card that have no cost to play count as that element". Does that mean now that I can make a :fire fire mono and add :earth earthpillars that are no cost to play and then use lavagolems growth or does it mean that I am only allowed to consume quanta of one element?
Still confused on when it starts........Any help please? x.xDid you even read the first post?
Why yes I did read the first post, and the rules of tournaments. I'm just confused on what that timer is there for..Still confused on when it starts........Any help please? x.xDid you even read the first post?
-________- u spelled my name wrong u forgot the "s" after soldier...sorry, its kinda late :D