[12:24:12] Dragoon [»] the dictator: Hey, you there?
[12:24:32] the dictator [»] Dragoon: Yes, why?
[12:24:50] Dragoon [»] the dictator: we never did meet up with unit#
[12:24:56] edunavas: hello drag and dictator
[12:25:00] the dictator [»] Dragoon: I know
[12:25:05] edunavas: so, the last battle
[12:25:05] the dictator [»] Dragoon: But bluesky is your sub
[12:25:17] the dictator [»] Dragoon: How long will any of you be online?
[12:25:30] the dictator [»] Dragoon: Because I will be here until the deadline
[12:25:35] the dictator [»] Dragoon: So I kan always fight
[12:25:37] Dragoon [»] the dictator: bluesky is? i don't think anyone told me/us
[12:25:47] edunavas: dictator, can you sub?
[12:26:09] the dictator: I could sub for unit, but bluesky is our sub
[12:26:18] the dictator: And we really need the cards
[12:26:22] edunavas: unit748596 vc senabmi, but they are not here
[12:26:25] the dictator: Yes, unit has disappeard
[12:26:53] the dictator: I will fight any member of time to get the match done, be not before 20:30 GMT
[12:26:57] edunavas: i´m not official sub either
[12:27:13] the dictator: (If i'm right that should be 1:30 before the deadline)
[12:27:23] Dragoon: bluesky is like opposite side of the world. i had to meet him 6 AM EST to meet him 6PM wherever he is
[12:27:49] edunavas: and i´ll not be her either
[12:27:59] edunavas: here
[12:28:01] edunavas: *
[12:28:05] the dictator: Dragoon, Today is Saturday, meaning everyone will have a bigger timeframe
[12:28:37] Dragoon: that's true. let me check my inbox again to see if he PM'd us
[12:29:50] edunavas: :\
[12:29:57] the dictator: I don't know, but he will be online, and if he won't, I can always sub, but I think he should have a chance
[12:30:24] Dragoon: that's your prerogative. edunavas, how long can you stay?
[12:30:56] edunavas: more one or 2 hours
[12:32:10] Dragoon:
[12:32:49] Dragoon: is my last text showing?
[12:32:56] edunavas: no
[12:33:04] lukce: no
[12:33:04] Dragoon: guess not. grrr ... *retypes everything*
[12:33:28] Dragoon: okay dictator, this is the way i see it. valuka was here yesterday during the time that unit said he could play.
[12:33:37] Dragoon: we're offering to play you guys again now
[12:33:49] Dragoon: i've also pm'd your whole team about subbing
[12:34:02] the dictator: Yes, I know that all
[12:34:09] Dragoon: so we've made several attempts to play. if the match doesn't happen, it's not our faults
[12:34:25] the dictator: But isn't a substitute the one to sub
[12:34:28] the dictator: I know you did
[12:34:42] Dragoon: yes, if you want to get the 3 cards
[12:34:44] the dictator: What do you know about the availabilities of you teammates?
[12:34:52] Dragoon: but 0 cards is better than auto lose with -18 cards
[12:35:06] the dictator: Of course we want that 3 cards, we have the smallest vault
[12:35:31] Dragoon: i understand, i just want to make sure the match happens so we both don't lose 18 cards
[12:35:34] edunavas: so let´s play and don´t let this go to last hour
[12:36:02] Dragoon: but my guess is that because we're trying to play that if for some reason it doesn't happen later, it will fall on water's head
[12:36:23] the dictator: Dragoon, I will take the blame if the match doesn't happen
[12:36:24] Dragoon: but we can wait a little while
[12:36:39] the dictator: But, will anyone of your team be on this evening (GMT)
[12:36:50] the dictator: To fight in the tourney for example?
[12:37:30] Dragoon: maybe. valuka, xinef, and maybe brion is your best chance since they're in Europe
[12:38:12] the dictator: Well, If bluesky doesn't show up, I can fight them
[12:38:37] edunavas: :\
[12:38:48] Dragoon: that's no guarantee they'll be on. but it'll be their evening time so more likely they'll be home and maybe come on
[12:39:15] Dragoon [»] edunavas: if you want to ask one last time before you guy, i think that'll be good.
[12:39:19] Dragoon [»] edunavas: *go
[12:39:32] Dragoon [»] edunavas: they can't lay them blame on us since we tried twice
[12:39:36] Dragoon [»] edunavas: *the
[12:39:36] edunavas [»] Dragoon: ok