I´m new at this. So am I supposed to create a topic to post the battle day and time each one will play and put the results?
I was seeing on the archiev of War 1 and team time only have the topics about salvage and deck building.
My opponent don´t respond my PMs. :\
If your opponent doesn't respond then you should PM their Duel Organizer. Just remember to either save your sent PMs or BCC them to the War Master so that you can prove that you are the one active. Most probably your opponent will reply sooner or later, or someone will sub him, but in 'best case' that's auto win for you

There is no need to arrange the time before deckbuilding ends though, so I wouldn't be surprised if your opponent simply is not in a big hurry to respond ;]
As for posting, according to the newest rules there should be 3 topics for each round - decks, salvaging&discarding&converting, and a strategy topic.
As far as battles are concerned, you only have to post after winning and there will be a 'Round # Results' subforum for these topics. There you'll have to create a topic with a specified title, and inside you have to include your deck. The loser has to reply in this topic and also post his deck.
It's all in the rules, paragraph 4.1