PlayerOa vs


TheonlyrealBeef vs


andretimpa vs

Some thoughts on current vault, based on intelligence: (thanks timpa!)
Aether:The team to beat. With a ~25% bigger vault than us sane elements, they are a hard team to beat, with a very varied card pool without any big flaws. They've got a bit of everything, combined with
12 copies of all the essential aether cards.
Decks to watch out for: MA (dims, psiontal, mix), Bonebolt, Grabbow (PU or normal), Fractix, RoLHope, Chargertal, Sancstall, RT splash
Air:They've got a solid mono, with solid cards. Something to notice, though:
No wings nor UG. They have packed five blue nymphs, though. Beware. Full of dragons and stall cards.
Their out-of-element card pool is not that varied, though. They do have the cards to play whatever aether duo they want - Dragontal, PUGons, Fractal Damselflies, Dimshield domin, and anything in-between. They also got some dials for Blue nymph UG rush, Sancs+miracles for Sancstall, and Deflags to complement the nymphs. They can salvage some novas, but
no other interesting grabbow cards without ditching the novas (except for some EQs).
Gravity:Gravity has a solid vault. One thing stroke my mind immediately, though. They have
just 4 Gravity pillars. This means they are prone to EQs. However, they can get
12 more pillars from transmuting.
They've got a varied out-of-element vault. They can make an extremely tough DBHbow, normal DBH, sancstall (w/out Miracle!), flying Gavels (wat), and some random splash decks. Notice they have only
3 dimshields, but they also are in possession of 4 wings.