R8 EC is a good way to resurrect one Nymph

R9 EC will double punish us for the support failures :[
Aether.. I feel like we have an upper hand going into these duels... They can salvage our discos, they can get silences (maybe frogs??) from


duo with PU or fractal, devtal, disco bow, PUboids.
Almost sure they will try sancs vs. us to:
1. render RT spam useless (cause they will guess we bring a counter to their PUboid that demolished Pharaohs),
2. try to troll trollmare
Almost sure as well they will try disco bow. They're probably out of non-nova

cards, so real duo is not an option. Mono aether with entropy mark sucks just as well cause disco will be late. Nova + mono = lots of waisted quantum. Thus rainbow hybrid - quod erat demonstrandum. They beat 2 bows R7 - plenty of perfect salvage.
For sure these are just guesses. They could try fractix, which would most likely cause huge problems on our side (slow decks with crap defence...).
What are our options? EC opens up a bit more possibilities, but I need some trainer time to answer that question...