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Round 9 Thoughts: https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41373.msg512711#msg512711
« on: June 19, 2012, 04:19:13 am »
Well, they know we have Ghostmare...

I say, KEEP Ghostmare, keep Phoenix and Deflag, Sanct and Miracle

CONVERT some of the off color shit for Pendulums

USE Sanct, Miracle, Eternity's, Light Mark and a critter to make a STALL.
They will be bringing Sanct to negate Ghostmare.
Take them out and then deal with Fire...

As far as Supt Team Attacks... I say Poison Dials all around... 8)

Although... Disco and Sanct are pretty bad ass... they  :aether have them both... makes me wonder... how many Novas they got?... :P
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 05:10:54 am by bripod »

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Re: Round 9 Thoughts: https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41373.msg512752#msg512752
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2012, 07:58:15 am »
The problem with stalling is that we have no defence apart from RT/eternity. Virtually any deck with fractal will tear a stall apart.

My prediction would be sanc stall packed with CC + 1-2 fractals to seal the deal. We can not really kill  this and deck out is hard vs. fractal bomb and no shield on our side.

We could exploit the fact they won't be able to field any PC in this case, but it seems we're out of good perms ;d Shields, in particular...

How about a rush with a lot of PC then? We have 5 steals and a deflag. Nightmare stopped being important a while ago. The question is how do we rush them without dying to mass bolts?

Ghosts will die, 1 nymph is not enough. We need loads and loads of creatures to power through miracle and mass sanc when saving PC for dims... The issue with phoenixes is that we'd have to run a trio to have both durable offence and defence...
:entropy :entropy :entropy Wooooaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr :entropy :entropy :entropy

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Re: Round 9 Thoughts: https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41373.msg512804#msg512804
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2012, 02:01:00 pm »
I think they will bring sanc-stall with dim shields plus CC. Our best bet is to bring all the steals we have and run a dark-duo but forget about nightmare (we only have 1 anyway and it will be countered by sanc), so just use steals from darkness, steal some sancs and shields if they put it up and rush them. We need to hold back creatures and dump them all at once to reduce their CC+healing effect. Bring as many dragons as we have, need to hit hard.

As for support, they killed our attack last round using a stone-skin stall. So we need to beef up our deck to 35-40 so we do not deck out so easily.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 02:03:50 pm by Zso_Zso »
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