Fire can build either fire/death, fire/earthEQ, novabow, or fire/aether fractal MP. They probably can't do anything else due to their vault size. 10 men thinks the fire/aether is unlikely due to Dogg being a soldier and having only 3 upgrades. (their general used it last time)
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 595 5f6 5og 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rs 5rs 5ru 5ru 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5v1 77g 77g 77g 77g 7q5 8pm
I whipped this up in about five minutes tonight, but this is the basic idea of what I want to play against fire. I won't have time to test ahead of time, but here's my reasoning for some of the cards:
Elite Graboid: 10 men pointed out that the upped evolved version survives a 3 damage firebolt
Pharaoh: I want this in case they play Bone Wall; I need a way to get through that quick
Nightmare: Hurts fractal MP bad and gets past Bone Wall, but it's just a good card in general.
Explosion: I don't think they'll have many permanents, but it would be nice to have something for a weapon; they have at least arsenic and fahrenheit left
Hourglass: I just love these

Upped to save on quanta
Basilisk Blood/Reverse Time: For CC. Other than lava golem or phoenix, they don't seem to have many creatures left. BB controls phoenix fairly well, and RT works on golems nicely, and evolved graboids if they use novabow. (though I don't expect novabow vs us, and even if they do use it, I have more ups so I should win that matchup)
Cards I considered but didn't include:
Lightning: Good card, but it sucks vs phoenix. It is nice vs golems, graboids, and other novabow creatures, though.
Lycanthrope: Already using 2 dark quanta for nightmare
Forest Spirit: Probably not able to get big enough to be worth using
Vampire Stiletto: Competes with nightmare for darkness quanta; used arsenic instead since it's using death
Earthquake: Figured I'd have to include a lot of these to make an impact, and didn't have the room. Although, using just one or two could make the opponent keep pillars back if they know I have it early on, and get 3 pillars easy if they don't.
Purify: Not needed; other than arsenic I don't think they have anything to poison with
Fate Egg: Could be useful, but I probably don't need it
Momentum: Would be useful vs bone wall, but fire has cc out the ass, so it probably wouldn't last anyway.
Black Hole: Would have to be upped to be usable, and wouldn't do much except vs novabow anyway, which I should be able to beat
Golden Nymph: Don't own one. Barring a miracle at the one oracle spin before deckbuilding is over...
QI is a bit high here, counting the novas, but I also need extra quanta for pharaohs, hourglass, and evolves. There's also a decent chance they'll play earthquake. If you think it's too high, feel free to replace a factory/pend with another TIME card. (so there is still 15 time cards)
Apologies for not being able to be around more this round. Working has me busy, and also has me very tired in the evenings, so I've been going to bed early.
A few ideas for other matches:
ITR vs aether: Not sure what I'd recommend here, but his novabow seems to have things under control. I'm surprised he says it loses to fractal chargers, though.
bjessee vs water: Time/aether beat them pretty good in the past, but they might be ready for that, now; if they played lots of deflags it could be a problem. This is also vs their lieutenant.
10 men vs light: When I played time/aether vs light last round, it was an easy 3-0. They might be ready for it this time, though, but then, they might not have the titans or steals they'd need to beat it, either.
Ffun vs entropy: He posted he's still testing; I'll leave this in his capable hands. Entropy is always a hard one for me to predict, as it has more options than the other elements due to nova.
Valuka vs air: This is vs their general, so they might have some tricks up their sleeve. If he goes with time/aether, I'd recommend a 3rd upped hourglass rather than an upped pendulum. I played that deck using 4 dimshields and 3 hourglasses and it was fine. (though one turn I did get rather lucky, drew 3 cards one turn and needed a dimshield to live; got it on the 3rd)
TheManuz vs earth: A tough opponent, and a lieutenant as well. They've been using a lot of crazy good decks; not sure what to recommend. Maybe exploding times?
Bripod vs UW: The time/earth duo seems strong. I'd worry some about CC though, but one of the ones they've been using has earthquake, so I'd recommend an upped tower and pend. Bripod just told me in chat that 10 men recommended a novabow, and it looks pretty good to me. I was thinking an upped BH would be nice vs UW, though it might be tough to fit one in.
edit: oops used only 5/6 ups. Whatever you think is best on the 6th one; I won't be able to do much more for deckbuilding; I'll be at work when the deckbuilding phase ends.
edit: Oh I see what I did. This is the slightly older deck code; I replaced one pend with an RT because the QI was really high and then upped the explosion. Too lazy/tired to edit my post, but that's what I meant to put above.