I'm so relieved that Brion's deck last round had 14 fire cards and not 15. Otherwise we would be left with 30 Time cards, so with 12 converted and 2 saved Time cards we would be at 44 Time cards, and thus forced to make an illegal deck.
But luckily we can make those 3 decks. The question is, how to spread the time cards between the decks. With aether, we can try fractal scarab with a single scarab, or even fractal anubis, since
would be abundant anyway. Or take one anubis and one scarab to have some flexibility... ok, to have a bigger chance of drawing something early...
As for the fire and darkness decks, I think we would do better to indeed keep the dragon and pharaohs in it, since if we lose the fire deck it would be nice to keep at least one strong deck.
Anyway, there is one good thing about your suggestion that I take the darkness deck and you take the aether deck. You can upgrade the scarab and the hourglass, and thus gain a lot.
I can upgrade stilettos, mantles and let's say pharaohs, and also gain a lot.
The fire deck wouldn't benefit as much from the upgrades.