Salvage 6 from water: I'd imagine that whatever we salvage will just end up as conversion fodder anyway. Just in case we don't convert it, chargers, crawler and ice bolt look like the best options.
Salvage 6 from fire: Unless someone can think of a use for lava golem, it looks like deflags/phoenixes here.
Salvage 3 from light: The light cards are probably useless to us. That leaves deflags/phoenixes, which will help balance out the discards from Exploding Times. Combined with the fire salvage, we'll have more deflags/phoenixes than we did last round! There's nothing else to really salvage from these though.
Salvage 3 from our grabbow: Novas, graboids, and the time stuff is most important to salvage. We have extras of all the other stuff except forest spirit, and that doesn't really matter anyway.
Salvage 3 from our Exploding Times: Ghosts, RTs, or eternity. We can get the fire cards back from our salvages; in fact, there's not really anything else to get back from the decks we beat, so definitely salvage 3 time cards here.
Salvage 6 from discordbow: Novas, nightmares, and maybe discords/nymph. The rest we have lots left. I'd particularly like to keep the nightmares so that ghostmare is still on the table. We'll have 3 discords left even if we dump all the ones here, and that's enough for one deck still, so we might be able to dump those.
Salvage 3 from dune scorps: 6/7 of our momentums and 6/10 of our scorpions are in here, so if we want to keep dune scorps as an option, we have to salvage 3 momentum, so that we would have 4 of each. The other option is to say 'screw dune scorp deck this war' and salvage rts/eternity/factories.
Salvage 3 from ghostal: No matter what we do here, we can STILL run one full ghostal deck next round. I think I'd salvage 3 shields here. That would leave us with 7 dimshields and leave us borderline-able to make two ghostals if we had to.
Conversion: I haven't added up the pillar/pend discards, but I'll bet we have to convert some stuff in order to make viable decks next round. I'd look at converting the blessings, one or two arsenics, and maybe just say the hell with dune scorps and salvage other stuff from the dune scorp deck and convert the remaining scorps/momentums. We'll also have basically +6 pillar/pend from Water, unless anyone can think of a use for the cards there.