I'm sorry for my lack of activity in the past few days, but I'm quite busy with tests, assignments etc.
I wonder if we could use a wings deck against entropy. They used few dragons in their decks, Maxwells aren't much of a damage dealer, and we can counter flying discords with rewinds.
I'm just wondering, what damage source to use, and how to counter AMs, Maxwells etc. They seem to use tons of CC. Do you think a flying Eternities deck with wings could work?
We will have to field one or two earth decks. Could be EQ/graboid/BB/Titanium Shields or a mix. I guess we should use Titanium Shields against life. It blocks scorpions, and is great against frogs/cockatrices/adrenaline/staves. Water likes to use bolts, so maybe an EQ deck? BBs aren't good against life, but would be great against water. So the life deck would get more graboids then... does this sound like a great plan? On not

Against aether... we could try either the immolation deck once again, or maybe a darkness deck, or maybe a different fire deck... or maybe the momentum dragons...
I guess too many decks can be countered by lobos, but luckily they don't seem to use these often.
Against gravity... rewinds are quite vital to counter armagios, momentums and similar stuff... maybe we could try some aether decks with lightnings to kill chargers/mercenaries/plated otyughs? They can survive a single lightning only if they are boosted with momentum, but we will counter these with rewind first. I wouldn't expect many momentums against us, because we will certainly pack some rewinds/eternities. We can also try an entropy deck. Discords and AMs can certainly cause some havoc against gravity, forcing them to Gravity Pull their own chargers/whatever. I'm only worried about titans. These, even if held in hand, make for short games where rushing is better than stall.