7) Water MatchWater can't really rush well unupped - I think this deck is a counter to both their creature stall and their poison decks - it will struggle against their bolt decks - but even then I think we stall faster.I know the post is stinking long - I'm sorry - here's the link for the deck utilityhttps://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Auo1gMP5ebg0dFZBQXl2OWt4M0QwWGt4VUF3LWZaNGc&hl=en&authkey=CJbr5q0K#gid=4
Jen-i Xdude Dim Shield Stall Crimsonflippa Valuka GotP-Nightmare SnoWeb Gen. QuantumT GotP-Nightmare DevilLoss BluePriest Dune Scorp (Light) /td] drogana Killsdazombies Mono Time Azumi YoungSot Graboid (EQ) Gl1tch Lt. nilsieboy Nova Fractal Scarabs) SpikeSpeigel edunavas Dune Scorp (Entropy)https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?authkey=CJbr5q0K&hl=en&key=tVAAyv9kx3D0XkxUAw-fZ4g&hl=en&authkey=CJbr5q0K#gid=4