
Offline drogana

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Re: Drama https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24244.msg316297#msg316297
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2011, 04:39:33 pm »
my situation vs KDZ 

we manadge to meet twice  :
one time yeasterday  1hour and a half of desync
a second time today , i win one game and we keept desynch after that for more than one hour

i don't know if we are going to be able to finish our match

here is th chat log of my chat with kael :
[16:01:33] Kael Hate: Is pvp cooked?
[16:01:42] LongDono: ummmm click the battle tab
[16:01:48] Killsdazombies: i think
[16:01:51] Zblader: yep
[16:01:54] LongDono: maybe it was because I linked you to mine
[16:01:57] Seraph: yes
[16:01:58] drogana: badly
[16:02:00] Killsdazombies: torb, come on
[16:02:01] Theonlyrealbeef: I always lose when trying to attack someone :P
[16:02:02] Killsdazombies: kill me
[16:02:19] Zblader: I KILLED KDZ XD.
[16:02:21] crosshair: Im completely confused :P lol
[16:02:22] drogana: we have been able to make one match i like 1hour 20 minutes
[16:02:28] Killsdazombies: BAD ZBLADer
[16:02:30] Killsdazombies: damnit
[16:02:33] Theonlyrealbeef: An Error Has Occurred! Too late, they are already dead.
[16:02:39] Killsdazombies: i killed zanz, i still win
[16:02:43] Kael Hate: so no pvp is playable at all?
[16:02:44] Seraph: Ill be back if someone summons me
[16:02:53] Zblader: wtf? I had 1 health, and then when I went to the shop I had 0 health.
[16:02:55] Seraph: you killed zanz and antagon?
[16:03:03] LongDono: cross I am no longer sure what to say
[16:03:13] Seraph: next kill chuck norris and the oracle (u know the one that actually has an account)
[16:03:19] Zblader: and now holy light costs 10 gold.
[16:03:20] Revoltion: Poison :o
[16:03:23] crosshair: Lol okay, how would I find the forum manually?
[16:03:23] Zblader: Curse you time.
[16:03:23] Seraph: good bye
[16:03:26] Theonlyrealbeef: Who raised the price on Holy Light? >:O
[16:03:31] Baily18: @zblader: i think cause world killed you :P
[16:03:33] Killsdazombies: not antagon
[16:03:35] Killsdazombies: IDK
[16:03:40] Killsdazombies: i wanted to buy some and was kiled WTF
[16:03:46] Zblader: crosshair : http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php
[16:03:59] drogana [»] Kael Hate: kdz and me did desynch like 15 time , only counting game when we were both in and desynch before then end
[16:04:03] Zblader: dang you, world >:(
[16:04:07] Zblader: >=(
[16:04:24] drogana [»] Kael Hate: and only our try from the last hour and an half
[16:04:27] crosshair: Yeah but where do I go from there...
[16:04:44] Killsdazombies: well
[16:04:46] Killsdazombies: im bored
[16:04:58] Killsdazombies: attempting to play pvp for over 2 hours really isnt fun.

[16:05:00] Kael Hate [»] drogana: what was the socre?
[16:05:00] xn0ize: me too!
[16:05:14] Killsdazombies: bye
[16:05:31] LongDono: I have to go.
[16:05:44] avenger: how do you get energy without money?
[16:05:49] Zblader: hold on a sec.
[16:05:56] willng3: *Pokes Napalm and Hugs*
[16:05:56] xn0ize: any one wants CL?
[16:05:57] Zblader: Since when did TU cost 6 :aether?
[16:06:06] drogana [»] Kael Hate: 1-0 for me
[16:06:12] crosshair: GUYS > how do you get onto this game on forums >.<
[16:06:12] Zblader: I thought it always costed 5 :aether ...
[16:06:24] Zblader: crosshair : http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?action=battle
[16:06:33] xn0ize: phase shield costs 5
[16:06:36] Baily18: naw 6 for tu
[16:06:50] crosshair: Zblader ive done that and it says cannot view battle :S
[16:07:34] Zblader: oh right, WoE is limited to sr. members and above or something similar.
[16:07:43] drogana [»] Kael Hate: and no clear winner in any desynch , all depending of his draw
[16:07:47] the dictator: Hey all
[16:07:49] crosshair: Oh...
[16:08:02] YoungSot: It's just limited to jr members.
[16:08:04] Zblader: you may not have enough posts crosshair.
[16:08:07] the dictator: zblader, we are only testing anyways
[16:08:10] Zblader: my bad, jr members.
[16:08:20] xn0ize: i iz want CL ;[
[16:08:26] Zblader: true, but apparently non-alpha testers can get into battle for some reason.
[16:08:35] Zblader: on that note, anyone willing to attempt a BL match?
[16:09:18] willng3: Hmm. My poking has proved ineffective.
[16:10:36] Kael Hate [»] drogana: do a connections, what is your latency?
[16:11:32] drogana [»] Kael Hate: around 500-600 ms
[16:12:10] YoungSot: @Zblader: I think you do have to be sr member to alpha test WoE, but Battle is a seperate thing from WoE.
[16:12:38] drogana [»] Kael Hate: i got like 900 ms once , and nothing under 150 ms
[16:12:42] the dictator: Oh, yes, battle is something els
[16:13:07] Kael Hate: anyone tell me what their pvp latency is plz?
[16:13:16] Zblader: oh ok.
[16:13:32] Seraph: Hisar can we finish our BL
[16:13:35] Zblader: PvP server has a good connection.
[16:13:46] Seraph: color again
[16:13:48] Zblader: not sure about how the battles will go tho.
[16:13:52] Zblader: Anyone for BL?
[16:13:57] drogana: now i get 200 - 300 ms
[16:14:13] YoungSot: pvp 1 or 2?
[16:14:14] Baily18: BL anyone?
[16:14:25] Seraph: sure ZBlader
[16:14:50] Zblader: ok Seraph.
[16:15:19] Revoltion: Baily, I'll play you
[16:15:32] YoungSot: pvp 1 = 520ms, pvp 2 = 1122ms
[16:16:00] Baily18: k
[16:16:25] Kael Hate: thx
[16:17:04] Kael Hate [»] drogana: what do you want to do?
[16:17:16] Seraph: 252, 295, 252
[16:17:30] Seraph: 348,348,340
[16:17:46] Kael Hate [»] drogana: neither deck has any sync traps
[16:18:03] Zblader: 312 804 605
[16:18:13] drogana [»] Kael Hate: kdz sugest a free sub for him or somthing like that , as he is on vacation and might not be able to conect offen
[16:20:29] TStar: 258 258 258 my symmetrical
[16:20:37] TStar: *how
[16:20:39] Kael Hate [»] drogana: you've already won the first game and he wants a free sub?
[16:21:04] drogana [»] Kael Hate: i dont know wat we should do
[16:21:09] TStar: Is anyone playing a BL match?
[16:21:28] Zblader: I was with Seraph, but he desynced on my end and hasn't responded.
[16:21:29] Baily18: Trying to.
[16:21:31] drogana [»] Kael Hate: as we played for a complete hour and where not able to finish a second game
[16:21:40] Revoltion: Ish trying
[16:21:44] Zblader: lol, ninjalag >.>
[16:21:49] Kael Hate [»] drogana: no free sub, you are here to play, he's on holiday
[16:23:08] drogana [»] Kael Hate: ok , so if we dont manage to play the end of our match until the end of the deadline , it will be a loss ?
[16:24:14] Kael Hate [»] drogana: you will probably take it, you already won 1 game and he won't stay around to sort it.
[16:25:07] drogana [»] Kael Hate: ok

Offline DevilLoss

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Re: Drama https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24244.msg316384#msg316384
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2011, 06:47:52 pm »
well finish it or not it doesnt matter things are looking ina re favor for this one looks like its gonna be are win from what i could tell that kael said
The Devil what more is there to say.

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Re: Drama https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24244.msg316466#msg316466
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2011, 08:58:10 pm »
No we finish this match if possible - taking the easy way out is neither honest nor honorable - and besides it looks bad in the eyes of the organizer.
We want to play this straight up and give them no reason to question this or future decisions.
Lux Kyrie

Offline DevilLoss

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Re: Drama https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24244.msg316507#msg316507
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2011, 10:03:06 pm »
i never ment for drogana to not simply play the match if he can he should but with kdz being on holiday or whatever and the servers and us winning the first match it seems its gonna be are win.
The Devil what more is there to say.

