Hi fellows
I don't know if this topic could be usefull...but let's try to analize our matches of 2nd round...
Spike (me): I've to face

again. I'm expecting entropy/life again, so my light/time stall should work. Reverse time counters well adrenaline, and neurotoxin is deadly. With a little bit of luck I can win.
Jen: Jen runs an


duo with pharaoh; this one is a good counter for bone shield, and dimensional shield should give him a nice protection. Let's cross our fingers...
Glitch: Nilsie is the Lt. of

, it will be an hard match. Imho deflagration will be the key of this match, blow up ice shield asap and eat whatever you can. Beware of arctic squids.
Azumi: Jen and I are expecting a mono

vs you. EQ should grant you the victory and, in any case, you've a nice deck to use. Heavy quanta control ftw.

had a bad 1st round and it's lookin' for revenge. You have a nice counter for almost

deck. It will be hard but you can do it!
Drogana: Here's the main event. Mono


. If you'll face a discord/BH you're pretty dead. In any other case you have good chances to win. Double salvage in that case!
Snoweb: hard match, vs the Master of

. You've CC and PC by your side...good luck!
Crimsonflippa: Valuka is a good PvPer, but your deck is really evil. Remember that Sanctuary counters Nightmare, but Steal counter Sanctuary.

Good Luck to all for this 2nd round!
