Oh well, since I was up all night thinking about it: might as well post some thoughts here...
My main concern is that Earth, Aether and Darkess might all try to take a denial vs us. Where Earth would splash in cc this time to make it harder for us to win with one of our many ghost based decks.
Time/Light Stall with both reflectives upgraded, a random rewind, 3 Eternities and some extra pends somehow crossed my mind (lieutenant here ofc, down with Aether, main competitor)... Sancts can with a bit of rng and tons of quanta shut down Devtal good (aether one is especially slow, but has support cards that are dead in this matchup), Psiontal is trolled too badly by the Procrast + Mirror Combo if played right (lobo-ed they lack offense vs procrast, un-lobo-ed they're suicidal vs Mirror, add Eternity to rewind unlobo-ed ones until drawing more healing -> win).
Guess on Aether Mark, cause that's most of their decks.
Their Vamptal appeared to have Dims and could easily be turned into a devtal (lame) so sheer rushing will do us no good. If we want to use permanents we have to either spam them or not use them at all. One thing that crossed my mind was UGDials with Novas and, 2 Longbows and 1 upgraded Fire Pend. Vamp Dagger + 2 Steals is enough to ruin it so should really put something else, maybe Pharaohbow or Grabow (Purify and/or
Eternity/bunch of RTs in it either way).
Guess on Death Mark (cause of that parasite deck).
Poison Dials maybe. Unless they go stalling it could do decent/good vs their rushes + denials.
Guess on Fire Mark (idk).
Guess on Aether Mark (Frachargers all the way).
Tempted to say Ghostal with 1 Dragon fit into it in case of Wings (if we see UGs... bleh. Eternity could help troll Jenky's precious Nymphs, though).
Guess Earth Mark (how well does Ghostal fare vs their Grabow, anyway).
Expecting Mummytal. Possibly use a Dim splash (the new lewt) with Ghosts/Pharaoh(!) (not thing they first expect with their poisonous arsenal)?
Guess Aether Mark.
Just my thoughts... since there's a lack of any other thoughts so far xD