spike hes saying that ur saying something about it after we already have it worked out lol
but thanks anyways ? 
I was online during their battle: Crimson told me that Evaria left the game while she was winning. Then I told him to repeat the match and to talk with a warmaster; but I didn't know that Evaria was winning IN THAT TURN.
Example 1): Me vs XX: after few turns, i've 50 HPs left, XX 30 HPs left. XX quit the game. The match should be repeated, because, even if I was winning, it's not a totally clear situation...
Example 2): Me vs XX: I've 50 HPs left, XX 5 HPs left, it's my turn and I will deal 30 dmgs: if XX quit the game, the victory is mine and there's no need to repeat the game; the situation is clear because my victory was imminent...