my situation vs KDZ
we manadge to meet twice :
one time yeasterday 1hour and a half of desync
a second time today , i win one game and we keept desynch after that for more than one hour
i don't know if we are going to be able to finish our match
here is th chat log of my chat with kael :
[16:01:33] Kael Hate: Is pvp cooked?[16:01:42] LongDono: ummmm click the battle tab
[16:01:48] Killsdazombies: i think[16:01:51] Zblader: yep
[16:01:54] LongDono: maybe it was because I linked you to mine
[16:01:57] Seraph: yes
[16:01:58] drogana: badly[16:02:00] Killsdazombies: torb, come on
[16:02:01] Theonlyrealbeef: I always lose when trying to attack someone

[16:02:02] Killsdazombies: kill me
[16:02:19] Zblader: I KILLED KDZ XD.
[16:02:21] crosshair: Im completely confused

[16:02:22] drogana: we have been able to make one match i like 1hour 20 minutes[16:02:28] Killsdazombies: BAD ZBLADer
[16:02:30] Killsdazombies: damnit
[16:02:33] Theonlyrealbeef: An Error Has Occurred! Too late, they are already dead.
[16:02:39] Killsdazombies: i killed zanz, i still win
[16:02:43] Kael Hate: so no pvp is playable at all?[16:02:44] Seraph: Ill be back if someone summons me
[16:02:53] Zblader: wtf? I had 1 health, and then when I went to the shop I had 0 health.
[16:02:55] Seraph: you killed zanz and antagon?
[16:03:03] LongDono: cross I am no longer sure what to say
[16:03:13] Seraph: next kill chuck norris and the oracle (u know the one that actually has an account)
[16:03:19] Zblader: and now holy light costs 10 gold.
[16:03:20] Revoltion: Poison

[16:03:23] crosshair: Lol okay, how would I find the forum manually?
[16:03:23] Zblader: Curse you time.
[16:03:23] Seraph: good bye
[16:03:26] Theonlyrealbeef: Who raised the price on Holy Light? >:O
[16:03:31] Baily18: @zblader: i think cause world killed you

[16:03:33] Killsdazombies: not antagon
[16:03:35] Killsdazombies: IDK
[16:03:40] Killsdazombies: i wanted to buy some and was kiled WTF
[16:03:46] Zblader: crosshair :[16:03:59] drogana [»] Kael Hate: kdz and me did desynch like 15 time , only counting game when we were both in and desynch before then end[16:04:03] Zblader: dang you, world

[16:04:07] Zblader: >=(
[16:04:24] drogana [»] Kael Hate: and only our try from the last hour and an half[16:04:27] crosshair: Yeah but where do I go from there...
[16:04:44] Killsdazombies: well
[16:04:46] Killsdazombies: im bored
[16:04:58] Killsdazombies: attempting to play pvp for over 2 hours really isnt fun.[16:05:00] Kael Hate [»] drogana: what was the socre?[16:05:00] xn0ize: me too!
[16:05:14] Killsdazombies: bye[16:05:31] LongDono: I have to go.
[16:05:44] avenger: how do you get energy without money?
[16:05:49] Zblader: hold on a sec.
[16:05:56] willng3: *Pokes Napalm and Hugs*
[16:05:56] xn0ize: any one wants CL?
[16:05:57] Zblader: Since when did TU cost 6

[16:06:06] drogana [»] Kael Hate: 1-0 for me[16:06:12] crosshair: GUYS > how do you get onto this game on forums >.<
[16:06:12] Zblader: I thought it always costed 5

[16:06:24] Zblader: crosshair :[16:06:33] xn0ize: phase shield costs 5
[16:06:36] Baily18: naw 6 for tu
[16:06:50] crosshair: Zblader ive done that and it says cannot view battle :S
[16:07:34] Zblader: oh right, WoE is limited to sr. members and above or something similar.
[16:07:43] drogana [»] Kael Hate: and no clear winner in any desynch , all depending of his draw[16:07:47] the dictator: Hey all
[16:07:49] crosshair: Oh...
[16:08:02] YoungSot: It's just limited to jr members.
[16:08:04] Zblader: you may not have enough posts crosshair.
[16:08:07] the dictator: zblader, we are only testing anyways
[16:08:10] Zblader: my bad, jr members.
[16:08:20] xn0ize: i iz want CL ;[
[16:08:26] Zblader: true, but apparently non-alpha testers can get into battle for some reason.
[16:08:35] Zblader: on that note, anyone willing to attempt a BL match?
[16:09:18] willng3: Hmm. My poking has proved ineffective.
[16:10:36] Kael Hate [»] drogana: do a connections, what is your latency?[16:11:32] drogana [»] Kael Hate: around 500-600 ms[16:12:10] YoungSot: @Zblader: I think you do have to be sr member to alpha test WoE, but Battle is a seperate thing from WoE.
[16:12:38] drogana [»] Kael Hate: i got like 900 ms once , and nothing under 150 ms[16:12:42] the dictator: Oh, yes, battle is something els
[16:13:07] Kael Hate: anyone tell me what their pvp latency is plz?[16:13:16] Zblader: oh ok.
[16:13:32] Seraph: Hisar can we finish our BL
[16:13:35] Zblader: PvP server has a good connection.
[16:13:46] Seraph: color again
[16:13:48] Zblader: not sure about how the battles will go tho.
[16:13:52] Zblader: Anyone for BL?
[16:13:57] drogana: now i get 200 - 300 ms
[16:14:13] YoungSot: pvp 1 or 2?
[16:14:14] Baily18: BL anyone?
[16:14:25] Seraph: sure ZBlader
[16:14:50] Zblader: ok Seraph.
[16:15:19] Revoltion: Baily, I'll play you
[16:15:32] YoungSot: pvp 1 = 520ms, pvp 2 = 1122ms
[16:16:00] Baily18: k
[16:16:25] Kael Hate: thx
[16:17:04] Kael Hate [»] drogana: what do you want to do?[16:17:16] Seraph: 252, 295, 252
[16:17:30] Seraph: 348,348,340
[16:17:46] Kael Hate [»] drogana: neither deck has any sync traps[16:18:03] Zblader: 312 804 605
[16:18:13] drogana [»] Kael Hate: kdz sugest a free sub for him or somthing like that , as he is on vacation and might not be able to conect offen[16:20:29] TStar: 258 258 258 my symmetrical
[16:20:37] TStar: *how
[16:20:39] Kael Hate [»] drogana: you've already won the first game and he wants a free sub?[16:21:04] drogana [»] Kael Hate: i dont know wat we should do[16:21:09] TStar: Is anyone playing a BL match?
[16:21:28] Zblader: I was with Seraph, but he desynced on my end and hasn't responded.
[16:21:29] Baily18: Trying to.
[16:21:31] drogana [»] Kael Hate: as we played for a complete hour and where not able to finish a second game[16:21:40] Revoltion: Ish trying
[16:21:44] Zblader: lol, ninjalag >.>
[16:21:49] Kael Hate [»] drogana: no free sub, you are here to play, he's on holiday[16:23:08] drogana [»] Kael Hate: ok , so if we dont manage to play the end of our match until the end of the deadline , it will be a loss ?[16:24:14] Kael Hate [»] drogana: you will probably take it, you already won 1 game and he won't stay around to sort it.[16:25:07] drogana [»] Kael Hate: ok