I find sad that the increased cost makes the SoR even less interesting for its originally intended use ...
Which was rather flimsy and not really that effective to start with. :/ If zanz REALLY wants to keep the concept (and it seems likely), I think something more flavorful is in order. Something that has synergy with Time and preserves the shard for its inteded purpose. Vineroz's idea is something, but what about this:

Might be a bit broken, but maybe with heightened cost...
The idea is to give a real boost to Time skill creatures. Pharaohs producing double Scarabs each turn, Flying Eternities locking a field, Golden Nymphs being a double Hourglass, Mito-Ghosts invading the field... It might be a bit broken, I repeat, but I feel it would be used more for what it is intended. Also, all those combos are still pretty fragile: all can still be lobotomized, they still have one fragile turn where they are susceptible to CC and they are still very prone to Reverse Time. But, it would surely be something to build upon, wouldn't it?