O ver R ated not O ver P owered if you ask me. If it was a permanent and would apply every creature on your side of the field it would be massively OP, but as far as it´s a spell i would even play it, instead i´d own every nymph... i tried my perfect phantasy with this card (Mono-time: anubis/Pharao) and it just didn´t work of, because the deck was unbelievably slow. i also tried (as i thought it would have been a permanent) to play it on grabroid to speed up this decktype and make it mono earth and got disappointed, so you can say not my style of playing or real useles card if you like.
//EDIT: When it comes to mono water (puffer fish/physalia) it´s not that bad i guess...gotta try out more decktypes before i come to a final conclusion.