I also did not like how it feels to have this card used against you with certain creatures like anubis, keeping yourself ready to stop a certain combo was a nice strategy.
You can protect anubis from being countered with creature control by playing a quint on it, thus making a combo very hard to counter. Why should it be impossible with a SoR instead of quint? Only because it allows
to run without
I simply don't like the fact that anubis so much relies on quint to work (at least against FG), a card giving immortality needs another card giving immortality to work? Does not sound right to me. Anubis is already much less popular than quint and I guess SoR could restore the balance.
I fully support the idea to restrict SoR to give at most 1 additional ability use (maybe make creatures affected by SoR no longer targetable by further SoRs? That would make sense, how can a creature be readier than ready? Most effects like adrenaline, momentum or aflatoxine do not stack, so why would readiness stack?)
No further nerf is necessary (probably).
I know this may look as if I was simply defending the anubis+SoR combo because I like it (it fact, that's right), but I also don't think that particular combo needed nerfing, so far no one was complaining about it and it only works in slow defensive decks anyway, while quint is still better in many situations (generally any non-time heavy deck with access to at least some aether).