Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => Cards => Time => Topic started by: xdude on March 16, 2010, 12:02:56 pm
Nice... I've been waiting for it since I heard of a 'scarab generator coming soon' and it proves to be quite good. In fact cheap to put into play... though probably not early if you rely on eternity rather than rewinds. Tough guy, so even if damaged, poisoned or lobotomized you can save him with eternity (if :time is plenty, that is). I guess will make a wonderful synergy with anubis in time/rainbows, but gotta try it ;)
And I guess it could even be useful to counter immortal creatures - take a bone wall, generate scarabs and eat them with other scarabs, while producing skeletons ;) Could work well in :time / :death / :gravity (no need for FFQ)
i can see it now. 10 immortalized scarbs being fed by the paraoh.
I heard of a Scarab generator rumors since before I registered at the old forums. Nice to see them fulfilled.
And we should expect some new false gods soon... how about a :time :death :gravity god ? He could be called Tutenchamon, or maybe Immortal King (good name due to anubis+pharaoh combo if he adds :aether somehow), or maybe Eternal King (due tu eternity being his weapon of choice) ?
Are pharaohs going to be available from the Bazaar?
They way it looks like this page makes it looks like it comes strictly from the Mummy (like the Ash & Phoenix).
I put this in MrSexington's deck post, but will repeat it here as I am interested in discussion.
Just from a game balance point of view, if one is building a deck based on Pharaoh, then one is interested in generating a bunch of Scarabs. The problem is, no matter how you do it, a Pharaoh based deck will never be as fast as a Fractal Scarab build. It kind of neutralizes the whole point of the engine if you can do it faster with the Fractal card.
I guess if you want to do a Scarab deck without using Aether, then the Pharaoh is your man. Or maybe if you just want to throw in Scarab generation on the side, its much less card intensive to do so with the Pharaoh.
Pharaoh will only be a rare card in slots. So don't build your decks on trainer around them need to build around mummy/rewind tell you can get luck sloting out Pharaoh. (The words of zanz not blu.)
If that's true, it would be great :D
The possibility to have it as a standalone card makes decks without :death possible and the high cost of 9 :time won't be a big problem either, because you would need to play and use an eternity anyway, or if you prefer rewind you still need that one more card.
As for the comparison of fractal and pharaoh... right now :death seems to have a great synergy with :time though :aether also has, so I see both options as valid. The mummy+eternity combo might be slower, so less suited to AI3/AI5 grinding, but might prove better against FG in stall decks... though it needs testing, and it might be a little too early to compare these cards as both might be changed before they appear in the real game.
Also the scarab+fractal deck has one weakness... if your opponent ties to stall (plays no creatures, a permafrost/jade shield/diamond shield) and a bunch of SoGs then plays some immortal creatures you are screwed...
and that stalling strategy is approximately what I planned at first with pharaoh ;) (I still have to try it more in trainer though)
I put this in MrSexington's deck post, but will repeat it here as I am interested in discussion.
Just from a game balance point of view, if one is building a deck based on Pharaoh, then one is interested in generating a bunch of Scarabs. The problem is, no matter how you do it, a Pharaoh based deck will never be as fast as a Fractal Scarab build. It kind of neutralizes the whole point of the engine if you can do it faster with the Fractal card.
I guess if you want to do a Scarab deck without using Aether, then the Pharaoh is your man. Or maybe if you just want to throw in Scarab generation on the side, its much less card intensive to do so with the Pharaoh.
I think Pharaohs should only be available through Mummies. Also, Pharaohs should produced 2 Scarabs for every activation.
Note: That might seem overpowered, but that's still a lot of trouble to get it to activate correctly. Also, it wouldn't replace FFQs in rainbow decks because of the dependence on Time quanta for card drawing.
Ok, so assume you only get Pharoah's through a Mummy. This means to me there is even less reason to run scarabs this way. Its much faster to fractal the scarab as your engine. How in the world can a Mummy->Pharaoh->Scrarab gerneration engine compete with me emptying my hand of Scarabs and then Fractal it to play 8 more?
Seems to me the fractal will win every time when matched against the slow Pharoah engine.
I think Pharaohs should only be available through Mummies. Also, Pharaohs should produced 2 Scarabs for every activation.
Note: That might seem overpowered, but that's still a lot of trouble to get it to activate correctly. Also, it wouldn't replace FFQs in rainbow decks because of the dependence on Time quanta for card drawing.
I'd say they should be available separately, because else mono-time would have no access to them. And I guess mono-time (mark of gravity) might want to use them in tournaments etc. where decks are required to be mono. And mono-time is not very powerful anyway, maybe except stalling.
As for rainbows, pharaoh is clearly a card for endgame, so I don't see problem with time quanta. In endgame hourglasses are in fact less needed than in early game, and at least time-mark/no-nova/average-sized rainbows have around 4-5 :time per turn in late game.
Ok, so assume you only get Pharoah's through a Mummy. This means to me there is even less reason to run scarabs this way. Its much faster to fractal the scarab as your engine. How in the world can a Mummy->Pharaoh->Scrarab gerneration engine compete with me emptying my hand of Scarabs and then Fractal it to play 8 more?
Seems to me the fractal will win every time when matched against the slow Pharoah engine.
(I think they both require a lot of trio-quanta and are both handicapped in their own ways.)
Ok, so assume you only get Pharoah's through a Mummy. This means to me there is even less reason to run scarabs this way. Its much faster to fractal the scarab as your engine. How in the world can a Mummy->Pharaoh->Scrarab gerneration engine compete with me emptying my hand of Scarabs and then Fractal it to play 8 more?
Seems to me the fractal will win every time when matched against the slow Pharoah engine.
(I think they both require a lot of trio-quanta and are both handicapped in their own ways.)
Once again, if against a scarab+fractal deck I play no creatures but stall with a good shield (lol, even gravity shield would work wonders).
And then I play a quinted anubis, and one turn later a mummy, rewind it and quint pharaoh, then each turn I play and quint a scarab. What would you do?
And clearly scarab+fractal works only as a duo/trio. Mummy/Pharaoh works as a rainbow (or trio).
As for plague, it is not really that good, as you can rewind scarabs to remove poison.
Ok, so assume you only get Pharoah's through a Mummy. This means to me there is even less reason to run scarabs this way. Its much faster to fractal the scarab as your engine. How in the world can a Mummy->Pharaoh->Scrarab gerneration engine compete with me emptying my hand of Scarabs and then Fractal it to play 8 more?
Seems to me the fractal will win every time when matched against the slow Pharoah engine.
(I think they both require a lot of trio-quanta and are both handicapped in their own ways.)
Once again, if against a scarab+fractal deck I play no creatures but stall with a good shield (lol, even gravity shield would work wonders).
And then I play a quinted anubis, and one turn later a mummy, rewind it and quint pharaoh, then each turn I play and quint a scarab. What would you do?
And clearly scarab+fractal works only as a duo/trio. Mummy/Pharaoh works as a rainbow (or trio).
As for plague, it is not really that good, as you can rewind scarabs to remove poison.
(My point is that they both are handcuffed by two different sets of quanta and open up two different sets of deck building possibilities. If you're saying that one set is superior to the other, I say you never know what other cards may come out in the future.)
I don't know how aflatoxin could do anything against decks with rewinds, devours etc, unless you mean a quinted malignant cell to produce food for your scarabs, which I find not really useful as you can produce new scarabs as food (more expensive, but easier to build an effective deck around it).
Though a gravity shield would still work wonders against scarabs, unless you take momentum or some permanent control, but I guess momentum would be more reliable as gravity shield could be PAd.
And I am not saying pharaohs are better than fractal. I just say they are both good, probably fractal faster, but pharaoh better in stall decks. And if these two duel, I guess pharaoh could win, at least the deck I am testing right now against what I guess a scarab+fractal deck would look like.
Also, for the record, I'm against anything that would make another card completely useless. Making Pharaoh available for deck building completely negates all purpose of Mummy. Use my suggestion or make up an alteration of your own, but why even make the Mummy card?
One is rare and one is common?
I've said this before, but rarity only has its place with other TCGs that you pay real money for. I understand rarity in those games because it's all about money and it's the rarities that drive their markets. I'm a cheerleader against this idea because Elements is free. Elements doesn't have to follow the same trappings that other card games do. Some cards will be better than others, but don't introduce new cards that are completely neutered.
Mummy costs 3 :death Pharaoh costs 9 :time
This is clearly enough for a mummy to see a lot of use. I would use a mummy in a rainbow and a Pharaoh in a duo deck... in a trio deck probably mummy.
Also :death has now a great synergy with :time (bonewall + scarab + aflatoxin for example), so a mummy seems very reasonable.
If you still think a pharaoh as a standalone card is enough for mummy to be thrown away, increase the cost of pharaoh. But only if mummy indeed proves to be less useful, but I guess it is not the case.
Mummy costs 3 :death Pharaoh costs 9 :time
This is clearly enough for a mummy to see a lot of use. I would use a mummy in a rainbow and a Pharaoh in a duo deck... in a trio deck probably mummy.
Also :death has now a great synergy with :time (bonewall + scarab + aflatoxin for example), so a mummy seems very reasonable.
If you still think a pharaoh as a standalone card is enough for mummy to be thrown away, increase the cost of pharaoh.
The point is to increase the Pharaoh's competitiveness with Fractal, not reduce it. You not only have to worry about neutering Mummy, but also Pharaoh.
If you want Pharaoh available to all then a better solution would be to change Mummy.
Maybe mummy should have two abilities? It has a passive one, so maybe add some active one... I guess some kind of curse would work (eg. curse 1 :death - target creature gets -1/0 (permanently) and cannot use abilities for one turn )
Something not too strong, but enough to make mummies a bit more useful in mono-death and other uses than making it a pharaoh. (Though I've seen voices, that it is a good damage dealer in itself ;) )
Anyway this is a deck I've been trying right now... I almost won against Octane... I lost because I had no creatures to rewind (I made a mistake thinking I could rewind mummy for 3 :death 3 :time each turn, lol :)) when I realized it does not give me any card back when rewinded it was too late).
Anyway this deck should work against some false gods, but clearly might need some improvement.
(http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/img/m7Gbd53176/Stall_Pharaoh_Rainbow.jpg) (http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/) :timemark
The point is to increase the Pharaoh's competitiveness with Fractal, not reduce it.
I agree completely. I am just not sure how to do it. I like your suggestion about having Pharaoh generate 2 scarabs. To illustrate my point in the overpowered fractal card, here is a deck I slapped together in the trainer. Its not even balanced properly, yet in my first game out of the gate it generated a 7 turn kill in t50 against a fire rush deck. Since its not balanced, I am certain it is inconsistent and could be improved to generate the 7 turn kill more frequently.
I am NOT actually saying that fractal scrab rush is too powerful (A single diamond shield ends your day). What I am saying is that its much more powerful than using a mummy or even a pharaoh directly. If you are going to introduce a new card, there needs to be a good reason to use it. The reason to use Pharoah is to generate Scarabs, however since there is a much better way to do it, then why ever use the Pharaoh?
The deck: Mark of :gravity (so you can use devour if you need it)
(http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/img/m7Gbd53186/fractal_scarab_rush2.jpg) (http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/)
After Turn 5:
(http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/img/m7Gbd53184/fractal_scarab_turn5.jpg) (http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/)
And then after turn 7:
(http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/img/m7Gbd53185/fractal_scarab_turn7.jpg) (http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/)
Game was over after hitting done. A 7 turn kill.
In the pictures you took, you were never attacked, and your scarabs never ate anything.
t50 decks are often either fast kills or stalls
Anyway scarab+fractal is not more powerful or better as you claim, it is only faster (or at least needs to be fast, while pharaoh works well in slow decks)
I agree though that scarab+fractal might be overpowered... needs some testing to make sure...
Still the problem with scarab+fractal deck is that it needs a lot of aether cards (a number of pillars and a number of fractals), pharaoh requires less cards to work, so you can include some other cards.
Upon thinking about the card, I now fear the false god with death mark, this card, and flying eternities. It would have plenty of late game death cards, momentum to buff the scarabs, and just plain ol' too many scarabs. It's frightening.
Yeah, same here. :)
Who thinks that making it a rare was a good decision? I do.
Also, the art for the upgraded pharaoh is even more wicked than the art for the unupped one.
Upon thinking about the card, I now fear the false god with death mark, this card, and flying eternities. It would have plenty of late game death cards, momentum to buff the scarabs, and just plain ol' too many scarabs. It's frightening.
My answer - use lobotomizer or (preferably) ulitharid (quinted) to remove momentum, devour and rewind from flying eternities and block with gravity shield, hope or bonewall (make these scarabs eat your ff and skeletons to buff your wall)
yeah... if this god has no permanent control, some shields would block him really well if you can remove momentum.
Xinef, you're misreading the situation. You can't compare Pharaoh vs. Fractal against one another -- you have to compare how each would fare against the metagame.
Personally, a wall of Fractal-induced Scarabs with little else by way of utility is going to drop to some decks very consistently. A Mummy/Pharaoh/Scarab deck not only has a bit more flexibility (Mummies can be kept as higher-damage attackers; Death Quanta can be used to power Aflatoxinor Graveyards to ensure that your Scarabs always have plenty of food as well as adding Plague and other Death spells as utility) to compete with the fast but one-sided nature of the Fractal Scarab rush.
Xinef, you're misreading the situation. You can't compare Pharaoh vs. Fractal against one another -- you have to compare how each would fare against the metagame.
I CAN compare Pharaoh vs. Fractal. This is why I compare them both in metagame and against each other. If I could not compare them, then I guess I wouldn't ;)
I compare them vs. each other, simply to prove that claiming 'Fractal is better than Pharaoh, so there is no need to use Pharaoh' is false.
And I compare them in terms of metagame, because I tried both decks against AI and both seem to work well, though better in different aspects. I've been playing quite a bit with a fast :light :time :gravity scarab deck I designed before v.1.2.0 was there, so I know a bit about scarabs, their speed, power, weaknesses etc. and I simply see that scarab+fractal is fast, so good for grinding those AI3, maybe AI4 and AI5... I don't know if it could work against FG... but I see Pharaoh seems good against FG, but too slow against lesser 'evils'... though I am trying him in rainbow, maybe :time :death :gravity is faster with him.
Checking which one is better in PvP might be hard though... until they appear in the real game.
Anyway my Pharaoh deck is right now 0 EM 1 win 2 losses against FG... it is a bit slow, but nice to play... though I guess it is still worse than standard rainbow... need more tweaking and testing...
I CAN compare Pharaoh vs. Fractal. This is why I compare them both in metagame and against each other. If I could not compare them, then I guess I wouldn't ;)
I compare them vs. each other, simply to prove that claiming 'Fractal is better than Pharaoh, so there is no need to use Pharaoh' is false.
Yes.. I think you are right. That claim is false. While the Fractal-Scarab rush is faster, its not necessarily better, and certainly not as versatile. Value must be placed on card efficiency also. So now I am agreeing with you ;)
Not to veer off topic, but I have been testing a new rainbow deck that has been destroying most false gods I play against. I will post it when I have it tweaked to my liking. :)
So in the meantime I'll post my Pharaoh deck after some tweaking... I decided a Firestorm helps a lot against some gods (Gemini with fractaled recluses xD), so I don't know why I did not include it in the first version... also the first version had no hourglasses because it was already low on time quanta... but I decided adding a few time factories was necessary anyway, so I added hourglasses too.
(http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/img/m7Gbd53215/Pharaoh2.jpg) (http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/) :timemark
I never follow the whole card-art-competition stuff, so a heartfelt "please excuse me" to the designer whoever it may be, BUT:
The art on this card (if it will actually be implemented like this) is HORRIBLE!!!
It fits nowhere with any other existing card or even the general design of the game.
Imho, the whole "Zanz has more time for coding if we provide our crappy design-skills" - idea behind this ruins the collectors aspect of a CCG ...
Being as enraged as I am right now, I might even start a thread about this.
I never follow the whole card-art-competition stuff, so a heartfelt "please excuse me" to the designer whoever it may be, BUT:
The art on this card (if it will actually be implemented like this) is HORRIBLE!!!
It fits nowhere with any other existing card or even the general design of the game.
Imho, the whole "Zanz has more time for coding if we provide our crappy design-skills" - idea behind this ruins the collectors aspect of a CCG ...
Being as enraged as I am right now, I might even start a thread about this.
The artist is vrt.
There is now a scarab 'factory' then when would there be any fate egg laying creature
regarding the art, I think consistent quality and varied techniques/artists is a good thing to have, especially in the long run.
regarding the art, I think consistent quality and varied techniques/artists is a good thing to have, especially in the long run.
By which you are saying what exactly about the Pharao-art?
At first I didn't like it, but it kind of grew on me.
First impression = cartoon network style pharaoh instead of fantasy book cover style pharaoh.
It's not a big deal.
About the card art, I can even accept the fact that the Pharaoh looks like a sand golem. The thing I really dislike is the elite one face that looks sad because of the eyes format.
regarding the art, I think consistent quality and varied techniques/artists is a good thing to have, especially in the long run.
By which you are saying what exactly about the Pharao-art?
I didn't say anything about that, but if I were to say, I'd say it's not bad. Upped one looks more like shredder from TMNT though :P
The art for the upped version is an edit by zanzarino.
Jangoo. You say zanz should make the art; you really don't think he's the one that gets the final say on what's in the game? If you have so much trouble with it, how about you start getting off your ass and doing something for the game rather than yelling it sucks? Jeez.
Pharoh is so good and with other cards like mummy and rewind.
I don't see what's wrong with the art. Jangoo, to me it seemed that you just called the art horrible without giving any real, valid reasons.
And while I'm 100% for expressing opinions, is this the best place for it?
Would like to see this card in the game soon. Reminds me of Firefly Queen.
Ok, stop acting like fifth graders. This has gone off topic for the most part.
This will be a great card, Scarabs will actually have some value now.
Global Moderator Comment All flaming and related posts removed.
This thread is for discussion on the new card in development, Pharaoh. If you have issues with anything about the card, keep it civil. About the art: zanzarino approved the art. Elements is developed by zanzarino. He makes all final decisions regarding the game and its content. The end.
Being as enraged as I am right now, I might even start a thread about this.
So do it already... but keep it topical.
I never follow the whole card-art-competition stuff, so a heartfelt "please excuse me" to the designer whoever it may be, BUT:
The art on this card (if it will actually be implemented like this) is HORRIBLE!!!
It fits nowhere with any other existing card or even the general design of the game.
Imho, the whole "Zanz has more time for coding if we provide our crappy design-skills" - idea behind this ruins the collectors aspect of a CCG ...
Being as enraged as I am right now, I might even start a thread about this.
I have to say I find your post to be highly disrespectful and you might want to reconsider how you talk to people who use their time to help.
Anyone who who donates art for Elements should be respected, even if it were only stick figures. While Pharaoh might not be how you envision Elements, myself and others think it's great.
It's ok to give constructive criticism but acting like you are doing here, saying you are "enraged" is a joke.
People like vrt have done much for this community, while you (as far as I know) have done nothing. Have some respect.
I'm gonna jump on the teeny-tiny band wagon and say I don't like the card art much either... It's probably only because it doesn't look very pharoah-like to me. In fact, it looks more like a gladiator. I'm not saying the art is bad, just that its application doesn't seem right, but that's just my opinion.
@ Scaredgirl:
Please clarify what my realistic options for replying to your likewise totally non-topical personal critique are.
Being somebody "who has done absolutely nothing for this community",
I suppose having an opinion about art is not one of my rights, neither is replying to personal critique or insults,
which would leave me with nothing but having to accept your scolding silently?
what you don't get is, it's not your dislike about the card art that is the problem.
it's you being a jerk about it and everything else.
what you don't get is, it's not your dislike about the card art that is the problem.
it's you being a jerk about it and everything else.
I agree.
If you wanted to write a serious critique, you wouldn't be enraged. You are and it shows. When you are, you just end up looking like you're jumping up and down while waving your arms in the air. You won't be responded to seriously when it looks like that's all you're doing.
Leave the caps, exclamations, and intentions of rage posting out next time and people will be more receptive to your criticisms.
Just let it go.
edit: One more thing; vrt shouldn't have called you an idiot. But when when you spend the time to create something and have someone else give an unprofessional critique, you get emotional. This is why he gets a pass on that and you don't. He also didn't continue to go on and on with the insults. I don't know the guy and if he insults everyone all the time, then that pass goes away quickly. (At least it does for me.)
I don't know the guy and if he insults everyone all the time, then that pass goes away quickly. (At least it does for me.)
Only in chat, but they know me there. :p
Stay on topic people. This has wavered far enough from the topic of this thread.
But to put in my two cents about the image, I like the image. It's well done, much better than anything I could ever do with my current art skills. And I agree, it doesn't quite fit with the elements look and feel, maybe the look and feel of elements is just changing. I know vrt is doing some more art work for elements, he showed us in chat what he was working on, some reworking of the pillars. And if that is kind of the direction Zanz wants to start taking the visual aspects of Elements, it will start to look less cartoon, (i.e. using spore for most of the graphics) and looks more professional, art wise.
I just don't get this obsession with art consistency. Before, I thought that all cards were made using Spore. But then, after seeing Zanz's alchemy bottle tutorial, I just thought "screw consistency, that's not important". Personally I think the art is great.
ok, im just gona throw out my idea here, i have been thinking this for quite a while now
why not just change scarab's devour ability cost death quantum instead of gravity? that will instantly make death/gravity bonewall/scarab a sick combo?
ok, im just gona throw out my idea here, i have been thinking this for quite a while now
why not just change scarab's devour ability cost death quantum instead of gravity? that will instantly make death/gravity bonewall/scarab a sick combo?
...because an ability must ALWAYS have the same costs (mutants excluded) and changing Oty's devour to death would suck @$$.
ok, im just gona throw out my idea here, i have been thinking this for quite a while now
why not just change scarab's devour ability cost death quantum instead of gravity? that will instantly make death/gravity bonewall/scarab a sick combo?
...because an ability must ALWAYS have the same costs (mutants excluded) and changing Oty's devour to death would suck @$$.
Lava Golems use water now? Or did Forest Spectres switch to earth?
ok, im just gona throw out my idea here, i have been thinking this for quite a while now
why not just change scarab's devour ability cost death quantum instead of gravity? that will instantly make death/gravity bonewall/scarab a sick combo?
You're trying to get rid of the gravity part, so it would actually be death/bonewall/time/scarab.
...because an ability must ALWAYS have the same costs (mutants excluded) and changing Oty's devour to death would suck @$$.
Lava Golems use water now? Or did Forest Spectres switch to earth?
PWND!!! +Karma for vrt!
Also, Toadfish and Parasites.
Also, ANY mutant with ANY ability will get to use said ability with quanta of its own element, regardless of the ability's name and effect. This includes Bone Dragons with deja vu and Fire Spirits with dive.
ok, im just gona throw out my idea here, i have been thinking this for quite a while now
why not just change scarab's devour ability cost death quantum instead of gravity? that will instantly make death/gravity bonewall/scarab a sick combo?
You're trying to get rid of the gravity part, so it would actually be death/bonewall/time/scarab.
You are right, my mistake. I meant Time/Death combo, not gravity
Changing the scrab's ability cost sounds something that actually should be taken into consideration. It would make sense as death ability, unless it is insisted to keep it as gravity for promoting trio deck.
I have to say I like the art. Especially how it changes when upgrading the card, love that.
scarabs are epic with this card :gravity mark mono time pwns in the trainer
Decks without creature control better watch out.
I've been trying to win a pharoah for days, only getting the mummies... Is the pharoah card even available, or only can be attained through use of the mummy? And if I can get it, which level should I play to get it the fastest?
According to Zanz and to the development page, Pharaoh is available as a standalone card, though rare, so you can win him from slots only. I've never seen him played by AI3, though I heard some voices (unsure if it was a standalone pharaoh played or a rewinded mummy), so I guess AI5 would be your best try. I've not seen any pharaohs in top50, so not yet... maybe after top50 players get some pharaohs it could be a good place too, especially if some of them set up farms.
I'm also hunting for pharaoh though, so if anyone has got it please tell us where did you find it.
I got a Pharaoh.
Got it off an lvl 5.
There's a lvl 3 with a few of them (He played 2, that's your best chance)
But lvl 3 is the best way to get one.
Good luck...
thanx guys, my hopes are restored, back to the grind. Man, this forum has improved greatly since elements first hit the streets! Great work to all who's involved... keep it up and I might not dissapear for so long again.
This card would be nice to have, a better rare than squid I would say.
I got this card from slots earlier. :o I'm surprised that the Oracle actually said I can keep him and not "look, don't touch."
I'm trying to find a good balance with my lone Pharaoh and a time mark Rainbow Anti-FG deck. It definitely works well with swarming with my FFQ and getting rid of the FGs creature control cards.
I got this card from slots earlier. :o I'm surprised that the Oracle actually said I can keep him and not "look, don't touch."
I'm trying to find a good balance with my lone Pharaoh and a time mark Rainbow Anti-FG deck. It definitely works well with swarming with my FFQ and getting rid of the FGs creature control cards.
If you do manage to find a good combo would you be kind enough to post it on the forum as I'm trying to get a Pharaoh but not sure what I'd do with it after.
I got this card from slots earlier. :o I'm surprised that the Oracle actually said I can keep him and not "look, don't touch."
I'm trying to find a good balance with my lone Pharaoh and a time mark Rainbow Anti-FG deck. It definitely works well with swarming with my FFQ and getting rid of the FGs creature control cards.
If you do manage to find a good combo would you be kind enough to post it on the forum as I'm trying to get a Pharaoh but not sure what I'd do with it after.
Sure. I try to keep only one copy of a card with that much cost in my quantum only Anti-FG decks. So far, I found switching it out with Golden Nymph or Elite Anubis to be more convenient, though. I'll post anything when I fiddle around with it more. Albeit, I'm feeling like you need more than one to actually make it shine. One feels like a liability or just good to have around.
I'd be fine with a god who uses more than one the new pharaoh go (osiris) is a bit week and you can easily make him deck out his creatures are not very good against a lot of shields (titanium and he's doomed).
(http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/img/m7Gbd52998/Pharaoh_unupped.bmp) (http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/)(http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/img/m7Gbd52999/Pharaoh_upped.bmp) (http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/)
OK, I don't think Pharaoh will be a standalone card in the game, it might be only generated by the mummy.
Also, I posted this for PuppyChow since he is in vacation (I think) so don't start flaming him.
EDIT: Apparently, this will be a RARE standalone card.
I won this from T50 yesterday. i was like "EPIC!!!!! :P"
I love osiris, that living farm gave me 5 upped pharohs.
Since you can farm it from osiris easiely i don´t even dislike the fact so much, that upgrading pharaoh only gives you advanced design betterings, but no bettering in playing. 1500 coins for a nicer art on a 2000y old stone statue? Hmpf. Well. No^^
Since you can farm it from osiris easiely i don´t even dislike the fact so much, that upgrading pharaoh only gives you advanced design betterings, but no bettering in playing. 1500 coins for a nicer art on a 2000y old stone statue? Hmpf. Well. No^^
You realise of course that the upgraded pharohh spawns elite scarabs and the unupgraded one spawns regular ones.
I didn´t when i posted this, but just returned to correct it :-\ Thanks for being attentive.
No problem friend.
Won 3 Pharoahs in one game. :)
Won 3 Pharoahs in one game. :)
You're The luckiest person alive!
When I just started playing elements,I was always going grinding AI3(to buy mummys),But I always forgot to play Eternity or rewind...
Well,atleast I decided which is my deck.
When I didn't have a Eternity I use a rewind on a mummy then played fractal on Pharaoh,but I always forgot That I didn't have time quantam...
Can't find it anywhere! Well, i see it, but I can never spin it. (I play this game way too much)
Can't find it anywhere! Well, i see it, but I can never spin it. (I play this game way too much)
Try getting it from the Top50 players.
I love this card.....i still using mummys but when i get ill pee my pants lol "go time :time"
I love this card.....i still using mummys but when i get ill pee my pants lol "go time :time"
When you get one, instead of peeing your pants try to build a good pharaoh deck ;)
If you need any advice, whether you want to devour False Gods with armies of immortal scarabs, rush AI5 Osiris style, or swarm PvP, just ask me or any other time warrior.
Fun to combine with Otyugh, I'd imagine. But wait, is Pharaoh available as a card? 'Cause last I checked only water and light had 3 rare cards. So, am I behind in the times, or is the only way to get Pharaoh through Mummy? Or are Pharaohs not rare? ???
Pharaohs are rares, you can win them from AI3 (the :time :earth one), AI5, False Gods (Osiris is almost a pharaoh farm with 6 pharaohs and a relatively small deck), or top50.
thats odd because i have never once seen a pharaoh in the slots o.O
You probably haven't had a date with Osiris yet? :)
I have 5 Pharaohs from T50s, but none from Osiris yet.
What is the reason behind no single improvement for the upgraded version? (only card with no improvement i think?)
What is the reason behind no single improvement for the upgraded version? (only card with no improvement i think?)
Unupped generates regular Scarabs, upped generates Elite Scarabs.
What is the reason behind no single improvement for the upgraded version? (only card with no improvement i think?)
Unupped generates regular Scarabs, upped generates Elite Scarabs.
off course, stupid XD. thanks ;)
No so good for normal game play, FGs get along a bit better with this :)
I love this card ;D I added aether with it and found out anubis is great
I love this card ;D I added aether with it and found out anubis is great
Imho, Pharaoh works better with gravity...but everyone has his own taste... ;)
Personal note about your signature:
not to sound picky, but there is only one Time Master... >:D
I love this card ;D I added aether with it and found out anubis is great
Imho, Pharaoh works better with gravity...but everyone has his own taste... ;)
Personal note about your signature:
not to sound picky, but there is only one Time Master... >:D
I know i'm the master of time the one and only one and I would have my mark gravity with aether and gravity pendulems
Not to sound pickier, but there are at least two Time Masters...
The Doctor and The Master :P
On topic:
I like Pharaohs with mono Time for faster rush :P
Pharaohs like :rainbow decks though, because their greed for power and wealth from their previous life remains intact, and they can't rest in peace unless they have quint, momentum, an army of quinted scarabs and PA'd bonds, as well as a few quinted and momentum'd flying eternities and a few nymphs as servants.
Very very good. Can't wait to get an upgraded set
Very very good. Can't wait to get an upgraded set
Try farming False Gods, namely Osiris. He loves handing these out (a bit harder after he got SoFs though).
Stats increased to 4/9. Discuss.
meh. the spawned scarabs overshadows the buff in every way.
meh. the spawned scarabs overshadows the buff in every way.
same here. A very small buff.
Better change will be 1 or 2 :time cost less and back to stats with 3 attack.
I love this card. As said before most ppl dont play him because of his stats. But I dont think we should change his ability.
4/9 is fine.
His playing cost is the problem mostly, not the stats. Still a welcome change to a card that needed a buff, but -1 cost would be even better (maybe both).
His playing cost is the problem mostly, not the stats. Still a welcome change to a card that needed a buff, but -1 cost would be even better (maybe both).
I agree that a cost decrease would have been better. But another possibility is: make it a decent creature despite its ability.
4|9 is better than 3|8, but i feel that even 5|10 or 6|9 wouldn't be OP.
To make it short: buff it!
Maybe N attack will be more interesting change and 7-8 :time cost?
N - number of Scarabs
Maybe N attack will be more interesting change and 7-8 :time cost?
N - number of Scarabs
If you give it N attack the cost shouldn't be increased, i think.
N attack means that You will have ~4 attack after 8th turn, so cost should be less. But N attack gives more ways for strategy (like Scarabs, SoR, maybe Mitosis).
Or other change. 0|9 stats and cost 7 :time. Losing 4 attack, but gain 2 :time and probably 1 scarab more.
I hate when people are always bragging in chat about having 6 PHARAOH'S in chat
OPPONENT "I have 6 Pharoah's"
ME"I dont giva a crap"
Its such a powerfull card cause u can just generate a bunch of scarabs attacking your opponents and if u have enough and if u have :gravity quanta then u can just eat everything :P
N attack means that You will have ~4 attack after 8th turn, so cost should be less. But N attack gives more ways for strategy (like Scarabs, SoR, maybe Mitosis).
Or other change. 0|9 stats and cost 7 :time. Losing 4 attack, but gain 2 :time and probably 1 scarab more.
I can't agree with you on that. Anyway, by comparing this to queen :air 's, you will notice that it's reasonable. cost 6, giving only fireflies that give quantas (although a strong trio or duo can be made) and cost 9, giving scarabs and using 1 :gravity to eat up just anything. Now that shards might be used (tho it's still being tested), i don't think it's wise to do that. Plus, i don't want to play a creature with 0 ATK
N attack means that You will have ~4 attack after 8th turn, so cost should be less. But N attack gives more ways for strategy (like Scarabs, SoR, maybe Mitosis).
Or other change. 0|9 stats and cost 7 :time. Losing 4 attack, but gain 2 :time and probably 1 scarab more.
I can't agree with you on that. Anyway, by comparing this to queen :air 's, you will notice that it's reasonable. cost 6, giving only fireflies that give quantas (although a strong trio or duo can be made) and cost 9, giving scarabs and using 1 :gravity to eat up just anything. Now that shards might be used (tho it's still being tested), i don't think it's wise to do that. Plus, i don't want to play a creature with 0 ATK
If you played it you may know that it having no ATK may be even better, indeed, expecially if it is in order to decrease the cost. No slowed scarab-production because of Procrastination (most of the times you play it and your opponent steals it, but sometimes he plays it in its own deck), no infection via thorn carapace. AI's Dark Nymph will almost never vampirize it and it would lose lot of priority over other CCs (Freeze, double lightning, double rage potion, etc...).
However, I find giving more than one scarab pretty impossible, that'd be OP (well, if you use SoR you've got 4 Scarabs instantly).
(well, if you use SoR you've got 4 Scarabs instantly).
SoR's nerfed. No more imba as this. You have got a point there tho.
(well, if you use SoR you've got 4 Scarabs instantly).
SoR's nerfed. No more imba as this. You have got a point there tho.
Even with the SoR nerf (only one SoR effect per player turn) a multi-Scarab ability for Pharaoh would generate 4 Scarabs (ability twice with two per use = 2 * 2 * 1once/turn = 4).
(well, if you use SoR you've got 4 Scarabs instantly).
SoR's nerfed. No more imba as this. You have got a point there tho.
Even with the SoR nerf (only one SoR effect per player turn) a multi-Scarab ability for Pharaoh would generate 4 Scarabs (ability twice with two per use = 2 * 2 * 1once/turn = 4).
Not sure if i understand but
The turn that pharoah is out, SoR = 2 scarabs
next turn = 3 scarabs.
pharoah, and wait. then Pharoah
so you need to get 2 pharoahs, so, lets just say the quanta is sufficient,
you will get 1 pharoah, next turn, 1 more pharoah and the scarab. +SoR = 3 scarabs
unless you waited so long to spam scarbs Or Pharoahs
you might get 2 pharoahs, 2 SoR, = 4
depends on your deck strategy i guess. If no CC, waiting for a combo might not be a good idea. If there're CC, the whole senario will change
I think everyone might be misinterpreting this:
Losing 4 attack, but gain 2 :time and probably 1 scarab more.
My interpretation of this suggestion is that the 2 :time you save from playing it is enough that you will have the quanta to use its ability one more time: the extra scarab is not a suggested change, it is a consequence of the change. Of course, I'm not Atico, and I might be wrong about the meaning of the post.
(well, if you use SoR you've got 4 Scarabs instantly).
SoR's nerfed. No more imba as this. You have got a point there tho.
Even with the SoR nerf (only one SoR effect per player turn) a multi-Scarab ability for Pharaoh would generate 4 Scarabs (ability twice with two per use = 2 * 2 * 1once/turn = 4).
Not sure if i understand but
The turn that pharoah is out, SoR = 2 scarabs
next turn = 3 scarabs.
pharoah, and wait. then Pharoah
so you need to get 2 pharoahs, so, lets just say the quanta is sufficient,
you will get 1 pharoah, next turn, 1 more pharoah and the scarab. +SoR = 3 scarabs
unless you waited so long to spam scarbs Or Pharoahs
you might get 2 pharoahs, 2 SoR, = 4
depends on your deck strategy i guess. If no CC, waiting for a combo might not be a good idea. If there're CC, the whole senario will change
neuro - Sorry to cause such confusion about SoR! I was following along with Leo discussing how changing SoR and/or Pharaoh could cause an OP combo. It is apparent to me now your reply to Leo did not follow that logic so you misunderstood me to be referring to actual SoR. First turn Pharaoh is out = max 2 Scarab due to max 1 SoR and second turn and beyond Pharaoh is out = 3 Scarab max per Pharaoh.