I never follow the whole card-art-competition stuff, so a heartfelt "please excuse me" to the designer whoever it may be, BUT:
The art on this card (if it will actually be implemented like this) is HORRIBLE!!!
It fits nowhere with any other existing card or even the general design of the game.
Imho, the whole "Zanz has more time for coding if we provide our crappy design-skills" - idea behind this ruins the collectors aspect of a CCG ...
Being as enraged as I am right now, I might even start a thread about this.
I have to say I find your post to be highly disrespectful and you might want to reconsider how you talk to people who use their time to help.
Anyone who who donates art for Elements should be respected, even if it were only stick figures. While Pharaoh might not be how you envision Elements, myself and others think it's great.
It's ok to give constructive criticism but acting like you are doing here, saying you are "enraged" is a joke.
People like vrt have done much for this community, while you (as far as I know) have done
nothing. Have some respect.