The two cards I voted on (and surprised to see little love for) are:


A card I wish I had more use for in my Rainbow decks.

Not only does this card remove creature buffs (thus potentially creating a plethora of dead cards), it puts the creature back where it belongs; the owner's deck. This not only slows down the enemy's advance, it also delays them from drawing all-important cards; the Golden Hourglass may be the champion of moving Time forward, but never forget that Time works both ways.

With the power to slow down, delay, and even stop the opponent for a low cost, you're looking at a very resourceful and timely card; or, if you're on the receiving end of one, a deal-breaker.


Keeping the creatures in my Rainbow decks alive since 1997, this handsome gentlemen gives a beating and keeps on ticking. 8) As slow as it may be to get him started, you'll soon find yourself in the winning position when all your creatures no longer be the victims of your enemies' whim (except for shields; but nobody's perfect). The Elite version of the Anubis gets even better with his Immortality costing from 2

to 1

, making it even easier for you to create the invincible army of your dreams. At 5/8, he can stand alone in some of the worst conditions; once the Aether arrives, have fun trying to get rid of him and his companions.