Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => Cards => Time => Topic started by: PuppyChow on January 30, 2010, 08:14:34 am
Brb voting for precognition.
Vote for the cards that you like. :)
Deja Vu, hands down. But, since I'm given two choices, Precognition, too. I would pick Golden Nymph if it was up there, lol. Btw, nice "deck." :P
Sundial, cuz I figured out the original bug in detail. :)
Picked Turtle Shield, hit submit, then realized we had 2 choices :-[
But it's just a great shield, much more reliable than freezing imo.
how could i be the only egg lover? those little guys are amazingly random. and uncertainty is my favorite concept. utter chaos is absolutely amazing
I am not seeing a poll at the top of the page for some reason. Is it closed, or was there never a poll, so much as a "post here and tell us your favorite" sort of thing?
There was a poll, but when the server switched all the polls were deleted. I'll go add it back now.
Still not seeing the Golden Nymph, lol. Is that not considered a Time card? XD
Anubis, as it is the very definition of synergy.
Fate Egg. Definitely the funniest card to play in the whole game (imho). XD
Happy now, Jelly? :D
Happy now, Jelly? :D
I would be if I could change my vote from Precognition to Golden Nymph. >.<"
Silurian Dragon and Eternity.
Eternity because I adore recycle mechanics and never decking.
I voted for devonian dragon/silurian dragon.
Deja vu is nothing but win
hourglass and sundial all the way lol
Yay for FATE EGG!!! So random!
Fat Egg
Edit: Ooops I mean Fate Egg :P
everyone uses electrum hourglass, its the only thing that lets you draw cards (other than precog and sundial)
and fate egg was the best card ever, until I realized mutation
Voted for sundial (Great card) and Time tower (Greater Card, who doesn't like a time mono?)
Yes, Time Tower is clearly overpowered :P
A few of these and you can beat any deck you want... also it's a very popular card, so it needs to be nerfed, so that people don't use it more often than other :time cards!
But seriously, I voted for scarabs because they are awesome and for eternity because I find it to be the most useful and universal card in tha game.
As the above posters have noted, Eternity is obviously a favorite - the reason I chose it though wasn't just because of anti-deckout options or creature denial (when coupled with Animate Weapons XD), but simply because of its name.
Eternity. I mean really, what other weapon name sounds just as cool? Arsenic is debatable, Poseidon is a ripoff, and Vampire Stiletto sounds corny. :P
But when it comes down to it, I like Electrum Hourglasses more... sometimes, you just gotta speed things up. ;)
how could i be the only egg lover? those little guys are amazingly random. and uncertainty is my favorite concept. utter chaos is absolutely amazing
TBH, i don't think i've ever had one in my deck but i love playing against destiny just to see what pops out =P
Fate egg by a mile. Its my favorite card ever.
Precog and Hourglass - who can say no to free (or almost free) cards?
Well hermes can say no by deflagging your hourglasses. So can divine glory and graviton. Eternal pheonix doesnt like them either.
I voted eternity to don't deck out and Scarabs...Scarabs' spam FTW! ;D
Picked Turtle Shield, hit submit, then realized we had 2 choices :-[
But it's just a great shield, much more reliable than freezing imo.
Lol fail.
I just noticed there was no option to vote for Pharaoh, so I added it.
You may change your votes now, if you wish.
Any love for Pharaoh? ^_^
I just noticed there was no option to vote for Pharaoh, so I added it.
You may change your votes now, if you wish.
Any love for Pharaoh? ^_^
Right here :P :-* ;D
Love that card. Great art work, great effects/skill, a bit high on the cost, and also great becuase it is eygptian.
There seems to be a lack of scarab love... :'(
I guess that's some otyugh conspiracy, but we will eat them eventually ;)
If you want some scarab love I can supply some:
(http://imageplay.net/m7Gbd65918/ScarabLove_thumb.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/view/m7Gbd65918/ScarabLove)
The last scarab is a H4XX0R
go time go T..I..M..E go go go time :time
Golden nymph because its the card that got me into time
Pharaoh. It's just so much fun. I guess Hourglass for effectiveness, too.
Also, the shield is called Turtle Shield when upped. Not Turtle Shell. Oh, and Devonian is misspelt too.
Deja Vu! Deja Vu! Deja Vu!
My favourite card is the Hourglass and my second favourite is the Time Tower because it combos really well with the Hourglass.
Rewind and Eternity, who doesn't hate facing these cards :P (and love using them ;D )
Time Pillar/Time Tower! LOL
I'm with jippy9 i really think that the Fate Egg is the best card to use :D
how could i be the only egg lover? those little guys are amazingly random. and uncertainty is my favorite concept. utter chaos is absolutely amazing
I'm a fellow egg lover! Totally unpredictable and not really useful if you really want to win, but it makes for a fun game :P
eternity = attack plus reverse time
Eternity and scarabs(need :gravity to nom). Reverse till scarab is ready to eat again!
pharaoh and time nymphs cuz both are quite good. time nymph is like a hourglass but with an extra kick of seeing your opponents and and pharaoh is like a time version of FFQ but meaner :P
Could someone update this with Dune Scorpion please? Even though it may not be the community's favorite, it should still be represented. :)
Dune Scorpion FTW! 8)
I love that neurotoxin.
Golden Nymph.
'Pon revisiting this poll, I vote Dune Scorpion and Deja Vu since the poll is for "favourite" card. In this case, I voted the most fun ones. There's nothing like monsterbuffing a Deja Vu and TU'ing it, and poison is always fun.
Since you can only vote for 2 cards, I chose the Hourglass and Eternity.
But the Scorpion is awesome as well! ... and Reverse time is my favorite CC for PVP =)
Precognition!! I want a deck with it!! Very fast!
I just chose Devonian Dragon/Silurian Dragon and Anubis/Elite Anubis because... well, I don't know, really. Probably because they're the only Time cards that I have (Not counting Time Factory/Time Tower)
Hourglass: It's speed I want! And I want to protect my weapons and shields ;)
Eternity: Awesome deck control. Can be used to remove annoying enemy creatures, to clog up your opponents hand (the nightmare effect) and to prevent deck outs!
Reverse Time =D Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside when I use it on a chimera. And Devoinian Dragon. =D
Fate Egg, cause ya gotta love randomness. And Pharaoh due to mass-Scarabs.
i like Eternity and Electrum Hourglass~cos i really lik fat deck :P i use 2 eternity and 3 Electrum Hourglass in a 40 card duo deck~~~really need luck to win~ :))
Anubis/Elite Anubis: You first heard "a n00b".. then considered owning and ordering a few wouldn't be a bad idea
Elite a n00b is.
Doesn't it sound too ridiculous?
Anyway, Ghost of the Past added to the poll.
Awesome 1337-th post is awesome.
Hi all!
I'm thinking to reset this poll after version 1.27 will be implemented, adding Ghost of the Past...
I know GotP is already in the poll, but it's not in the game yet (only trainer)
Feel free to post comments, etc...
Have a nice :time!
If you are to reset the poll, you could also fix "Devoinian Dragon". Btw, it wouldn't be a bad idea to reset it.
If you are to reset the poll, you could also fix "Devoinian Dragon". Btw, it wouldn't be a bad idea to reset it.
Pharaoh for the scarab spamming ! ( works great with bond's !!)
and ghost of the past! :time
To celebrate 1.27, poll has been resetted...
To celebrate 1.27, poll has been resetted...
Thanks Spike. ^^
I changed my vote from Eternity to Ghost of the Past - it symbolizes me far more than Eternity could; and of course, I love them Hourglasses. :P
Fate egg!
It's funny card - you never know in what it hatches ;) It's connecting time with my favourite element - entrophy.
Nymph, good attacker+precog
I voted for Anubis and Pharoh. Suprised not many people like Immortality for :aether :aether or a scarab for :time :time
Dune Scorpion and Sundial for me. Work nicely seperate or as a combo to stall for a few more turns for the poison to work it's magic :)
I go with Pharaoh + Scarab, the most annoying combo ever.
*Even though not as frightening as that air combo I mentioned somewhere*
I love time.
I love time.
I do too.
We Love Time~~
The 2 time cards I use the most are Eternity and Anubis.
Best cards:
Procrastination - I'll tell you how good this card is... well, maybe later
Eternity - it will take me years to tell you how good this card is!
I love fate egg
its soooo cute and randoom :D
and uppd an elite creature
favourite card since i play elements
just hahah 0/1
WOOT 12/3!
or HAHA photon!
Ghost of the past is probably my favorite card in the game in terms of uniqueness and flavor. So cool. :D
Ghost of the past is such a fun card to use! It's strong and makes for a great Nightmare target!
Definitely eternity
Fate Egg, because it's funny and surprising.
Sundial, because it's useful in many decks.
A bit sad not to see a single vote for the Pendulum.
Eternity and Dune Scorp, btw.
Pharaoh and Hourglass, I hate to see my creatures RT'ed.
I need three votes!
Reverse Time and Ghost of the Past. I would really love to vote for Eternity, though.
Eternity- can be used both for stalling and preventing deck-out at a regular basis
Fate egg- Fun and random, need I say more?
The two cards I voted on (and surprised to see little love for) are:
:time REVERSE TIME :time
A card I wish I had more use for in my Rainbow decks. :( Not only does this card remove creature buffs (thus potentially creating a plethora of dead cards), it puts the creature back where it belongs; the owner's deck. This not only slows down the enemy's advance, it also delays them from drawing all-important cards; the Golden Hourglass may be the champion of moving Time forward, but never forget that Time works both ways. ;) With the power to slow down, delay, and even stop the opponent for a low cost, you're looking at a very resourceful and timely card; or, if you're on the receiving end of one, a deal-breaker.
:time ANUBIS :time
Keeping the creatures in my Rainbow decks alive since 1997, this handsome gentlemen gives a beating and keeps on ticking. 8) As slow as it may be to get him started, you'll soon find yourself in the winning position when all your creatures no longer be the victims of your enemies' whim (except for shields; but nobody's perfect). The Elite version of the Anubis gets even better with his Immortality costing from 2 :aether to 1 :aether, making it even easier for you to create the invincible army of your dreams. At 5/8, he can stand alone in some of the worst conditions; once the Aether arrives, have fun trying to get rid of him and his companions.
Fate Egg!! Fun fun fun....
I like most of the time cards, but I had to vote for the hourglass and the nymph. Who doesn't love card advantage? (hint: you all should!) I just wish I could spin one of those nymphs :p
I picked Elite Anubis, I find him very useful in the rainbow decks i use. Also, Dune Scorpion is very dangerous.
Precognition and Fate Egg gets my vote :D. It is always nice to know what your opponent has in store, and every fate egg brings a surprise ;D
Picked Hourglass. Where would FG farmers be without it?
Fate Egg is so amazing!
It's RANDOM :o
THe Scorpion was my 2nd :P :time
I choose Golden Nymph and Ghost of the Past. Nothing special....
Dune Scorpions all the way!!! yes, I'm the noob with the bless/neurotoxin technique. IDC! As long as there is a second option, golden hourglass.
Hourglass-faster drawing. nuff said.
1. Hourglass. Card advantage FTW!
2. Déjà vu. Epic card with so many synergies and is soo fun to play with.
Scarabs and Pharaons. Om nom nom like a boss.
Defenitly sundial, love it with poison decks
fate egg and reverse time!!!
yeh, time reverse is pretty cool.
Pharaoh and Elite scarabs. I just love that combo :)
Fy votes go for:
1st) Anubis, he's awesome!
2nd) Devonian Dragon, it is trully awesome upped (especially in combination with SoR & Mitosis)!
reverse TIME, it's the real concept of a TIME deck, you can make sooooo much things with it, it gives you the impression of control the time, wich is one of the bests parts of the game !
Why is there no poll? Wasn't there a poll here a few months ago?
Polls died with the new forum. Feel free to ask 10 men to add one back (Masters are moderators of their Card board).
I was able to add a poll back to the thread about best duo element, since I was the one who started that one.
Conclusion: Once a Time Master, always a Time Master... at least partially ;)
I revote and I choose:
Pha-ra-oh! Go Yami Yugi!!!! :P
Edit: By the way, that 18-votes-limit is too small, please let me vote more than 18 times!!! :P :P :P
Golden Nymph, this card is simply magical!
Dune Scorpion for overall power, but lacks something when you take into account having to buff it to actually play it :(
Other than that Pharaohs are awesome IMO, I love the whole time mechanic of drawing faster and then creating more cards with pharaohs.
Reverse time is my favorite...
Deja Vu, hands down. But, since I'm given two choices, Precognition, too. I would pick Golden Nymph if it was up there, lol. Btw, nice "deck." :P
Ghost of the Past for ghostmare's awesomeness alone.
Also, hourglass, because hourglass is cool.
Also, sundial, because stalling.
Fate Egg is my first pick. I love the randomness and the fact that you get a chance to receive a beefy creature.
Reverse Time is my second choice.
Golden hourglass is my third but as i found out you use that one sparingly with a 30 card deck. I lost a game by depleting my deck playing 3 of those.
Shard of Readiness
free skills man
:time Turtle Shield since it's delay 100% :time
This is my new favorite Time card. I just saw ai1 use it! It will probably be our pet tomorrow.
Its the uncertainty that enjoy. Besides getting a dragon/nymph on your first two turns is always a good feeling. ;D
Golden nymph is amazing :p
I voted Eternity, Dune Scorpion, and Golden Nymph.
#1. Golden Nymph
Draw power, good hitter, two-hits-to-kill HP! Also, when combined with several in a deck (C'mon Oracle give me more of these!) and SoR's can make for quite the drawing advantage (Mitosis too?).
#2. Eternity
Anti-deckout which has powered many a stall for me in Leagues. Mmmmmmm, CC that is multi-funciton - against opponent or for yourself!
#3. Dune Scorpion
SPlat. Although now that SPlat is mostly dead, I like a card that makes the opponent have to 2nd-guess the value of playing every card and that can build the attack even after scorpion is killed/neutralized. Stallbreaker, this.
Sundial. An incredibly powerful and versatile card that is cheap and does not directly harm anything.
Voted for all of them ^.-
Reverse time. Probably the best cheap creature control, and also blocks a draw. Eternity sadly isn't really that great because it's too expensive to fill that role.
eternity. flying staffes FTW!!!