I'd think that the 'Cause poisoning if ingested' after effect would be better if instead, it would REWIND the card back into the opponent's deck (so if you have a quinted otyugh, you just wasted it) - it'd fit

's theme much better that way.

On the card itself - yes, it has the horrifying potential to be overpowered in any

-'rush' deck (haven't seen many of those lately), and the fact that it can bypass any shield with Momentum is frightening. But Kael's suggestion to simply place a card at the bottom of the deck is too safe an idea. I imagine that Zanzarino's concept of discarding cards immediately from the hand is an advanced 'passive' that should be implemented, especially since this card requires at LEAST 2 elements (3 if you want it to be safe from creature control spells like Thunderstorm or shields such as
Fire Buckler and Thorn Carapace). Blessing, Momentum, Plate Armor + Rage Potion - Time doesn't have the ability to buff their own creatures, so this card kind of has to splash another element or its useless otherwise.
Time has Sundials (Stopping), Turtle Shield (Slowing), Rewinds/Eternity (Reversing), and Hourglasses/Sundials/Precognition/etc. (Defensively Hastening
in respect to the owner) - I imagine that Discard fits in perfectly with

's missing niche, "
Offensively Hastening
in respect to the enemy".