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Mono-Time https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=547.msg5783#msg5783
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

Lol, someone who sees it my way. XD

The reason I didn't defend it is because Scaredgirl has a tendancy to viciously point out flaws of everything, and feels a need to correct whichever mistakes are present, whether they are judgment based, belief based, politically based, etc. I'd rather avoid a confrontation by simply staying quiet. =/
If you and that other guy think I'm trolling, then you need to go Google the word and see what it actually means.

Yes, I point out flaws whenever I see them. That's how forums work and that's how things get improved. If we all just say "Good job, man!" to any random deck out there, how will that be useful? I'm not always 100% right but who cares, at least I'm contributing to the discussion.

If we talk about this particular thread, here is what happened:

1. You used the word "well-rounded" in the title when describing a one-dimensional deck (not a matter a opinion, but a FACT).
2. I corrected you.
3. You got angry.

Situation would have been the same if you had the word "rainbow" in the title. If I had pointed out that this is a mono-deck, would you have gotten angry then also?

I hate childish forum drama but I will always defend myself when I'm being attacked like this.

Imo anyone who posts his deck ideas or whatever in a public forum needs to be able to take criticism or GTFO.


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Mono-Time https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=547.msg5784#msg5784
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

Well, Scaredgirl had a point - this deck is limited. 

I got Girled when I posted my mono-air deck, because apparently I didn't put enough "permanent removal" in that deck either.  Then she suggested a dual-color deck with explosions.  In the mono-color thread.  Upon reflection, it's worthwhile to suggest improvements to a deck even if they're not mono-color, but these threads are designed to attain the best mono-color deck possible, so keep that in mind.

ScaredGirl is entitled to her opinion, that's what forums are for.  And to her credit, she IS well-informed.

However, I just might point out, ScaredGirl, that I think we're all aware that mono-decks are limited by their very nature.  Maybe you might consider engaging them more on their own terms.  And, to your credit, I think you have a point that this deck is probably better without eggs.  That's what THIS thread is about.
I think everyone is misunderstanding what I am saying here. I'm not saying this deck sucks or is limited. I only said it's not WELL-ROUNDED like OP said in the title before he changed it. This is not a matter of opinion or political preference, it's a FACT. Mono decks are never well-rounded because they use only one element. Mono-darkness comes closest to being well-rounded, but this time deck looks very one-dimensional to me, which is the OPPOSITE of well-rounded.

I don't understand why it was such a big crime for me to point this out. Like I said before, it's like if OP had said "rainbow" in the title and I had corrected him. Same thing would apply there but I doubt I would be accused of trolling like I was now.

Furthermore I see no point in making a mono-deck just because you want to make a mono-deck, unless you absolutely have to do it because of theme or something. If changing your mark and taking a couple of cards from other element makes your deck more effective, then you definitely should do that, instead of staying true to mono-deck.

This air deck you talk about.. yes I know it was mono-deck forum but I just posted my version of that deck because I really feel it needs permanent removal to be effective against top-50 and in PvP. I didn't feel it was a big deal to post it even though it wasn't 100% mono-deck and I certainly did not try to hijack the thread or anything like that.

Anyways.. I'm done with this thread and moving on. :)


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Mono-Time https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=547.msg5785#msg5785
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

Well, Scaredgirl had a point - this deck is limited. 

I got Girled when I posted my mono-air deck, because apparently I didn't put enough "permanent removal" in that deck either.  Then she suggested a dual-color deck with explosions.  In the mono-color thread.  Upon reflection, it's worthwhile to suggest improvements to a deck even if they're not mono-color, but these threads are designed to attain the best mono-color deck possible, so keep that in mind.

ScaredGirl is entitled to her opinion, that's what forums are for.  And to her credit, she IS well-informed.

However, I just might point out, ScaredGirl, that I think we're all aware that mono-decks are limited by their very nature.  Maybe you might consider engaging them more on their own terms.  And, to your credit, I think you have a point that this deck is probably better without eggs.  That's what THIS thread is about.

Mono-Time https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=547.msg5786#msg5786
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

Lol, someone who sees it my way. XD

The reason I didn't defend it is because Scaredgirl has a tendancy to viciously point out flaws of everything, and feels a need to correct whichever mistakes are present, whether they are judgment based, belief based, politically based, etc. I'd rather avoid a confrontation by simply staying quiet. =/

Mono-Time https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=547.msg5787#msg5787
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

No need to troll Mr. Jellyfish.  :-\
I'm confused as to how I was trolling.

Mono-Time https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=547.msg5788#msg5788
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

Lol, someone who sees it my way. XD

The reason I didn't defend it is because Scaredgirl has a tendancy to viciously point out flaws of everything, and feels a need to correct whichever mistakes are present, whether they are judgment based, belief based, politically based, etc. I'd rather avoid a confrontation by simply staying quiet. =/
You're a mod. You brind down the hammar!
That is an unnecessary abuse of power. Also, I can't ban. =/

Evil Hamster

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Mono-Time https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=547.msg6096#msg6096
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:01 pm »

Lol, someone who sees it my way. XD

The reason I didn't defend it is because Scaredgirl has a tendancy to viciously point out flaws of everything, and feels a need to correct whichever mistakes are present, whether they are judgment based, belief based, politically based, etc. I'd rather avoid a confrontation by simply staying quiet. =/
You're a mod. You brind down the hammar!
That is an unnecessary abuse of power. Also, I can't ban. =/
lol not that power. More like with your moxie.
Scaredgirl is definitely PASSIONATE. But that hardly makes her a troll.

'nuff said.


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Re: Mono-Time https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=547.msg120683#msg120683
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2010, 03:30:22 am »
I started elements as time. Altough i got addicted when i made a dark deck. I too enjoy watching fate eggs turn into a phase dragon.

