I hate every other mono deck expect for Darkness and Death. I mean you need alot of combo's
for alot of decks, Alot of elements to go with creatures to cast there [spells/special ability] but
Time Mono can get you in alot of trouble, I use time to Draw for 3 elements, I mean time draws
lightness and witch ever you need, or you can try to match all the elements that goes with time
to make it complete but yes I totally agree with anybody when they say Mono-Time is retarded.
Not only that but single Darkness, (takes 5-10 minutes if lucky) to beat lv3. You cant grind with
any other deck but Fire and Darkness.
Fire so ez to grind with but can cost you alot of games if you cant draw. You'll win 26 out 30 games
grinding with Darkness but 22 out 30 with Fire.