How many times have I heard in chat people wanted team pvp event to come back?
How many times have I received PMs asking if the team pvp event was coming back?
In all honesty, i never counted them, but here it is!
TEAM PVP #3RulesJoiningWho may join?Anyone and everyone is encouraged to join this event.
Signing Up/Team CreationAs with all Team PvP events, you must have a team in order to compete. In this event, teams consist of three members. Once you have a team of three people,
one of you must post in this thread with the following:
A team name
A team element
The forum name of each member
- the order you list these names in is important; it determines who each member will play against from other teams
A personal element for each member.
If you have a team and need a player, or if you are a player and need a team (,
The EventTeam/Personal ElementsEach team has a chosen element. This may be any element. Each player has their own element. This may be any element except your team element, and it may not be the same element another team member has.
Deck BuildingDecks must consist of either your team element, your personal element, or your battle element. Battle elements are assigned to each battle between two players. No more than 2/3 of your deck may consist of one element. No upgraded cards are allowed. You may change your deck and/or mark between each game.
MatchesOnce the deadline for team creation occurs, ji412jo will create the bracket. This is a double elimination style tournament. If your team loses twice, you are eliminated. A match pits two teams against each other. The first players on both teams play each other, the second on both play each other, and the third players both play each other. For instance:
Team 1: Team 2:
Bob vs. Mike
Rob vs. Ike
Hambone vs. Muffins
Bob and Mike play each other, Rob and Ike play each other, and Hambone and Muffins play each other.
Each battle is best two out of three. The match is also best two out of three. This means that if Bob and Rob beat their opponents but Hambone loses, Team 1 still wins the match.
Desynchs will be replayed using the same decks and marks. If one player agrees that they would have lost that game, their opponent is awarded the win and the two players may move on to the next game, if needed.
Match CompletionWhen you complete a battle, both players will post the battle results, along with the decks they used. A summary of what occurred is also encouraged.
Make sure your deck is EXACTLY what you played, you MUST keep codes. Any edits in the posts where you show your deck will bring you a loss.
Players have four days to complete their battles. If two teams fail to complete their match, they will both receive a loss. If neither team has lost a match, they then must play an elimination match to see who continues in the loser's bracket. If they have both lost already, they are both eliminated. For this reason please BCC all correspondence with your opponent to ji412jo, so that he will be able to determine who made an effort to play and who did not. If it is clear that it is one team/person's fault that the match was not completed, the other team will not be penalized.
OthersSubstitutionsIf a player will be dropping out of the event, they may be replaced by someone who is not and has not competed in the event. If a player is simply unable to fight their opponent, a substitution is not allowed.
CheatingWhen you are caught cheating, you will be banned indefinitely from all PvP and PvE events.
Warning SystemIf a player quits mid-event for any reason, or disrupts the event in any way, he will receive a warning. If you get 3 warnings in a single season, you will be banned from all PvP events until the end of the NEXT season.
If you have any questions, please post them here. Thank you, and good luck.
ends inthat big enough for you, krathos?