It's sarcasm, but it's not misguided. I realize that Air is one of the strongest elements for this event, as I realize that both of these teams have a distinct advantage in that respect. What you don't appear to realize is that I don't actually think I'm going to beat all of you single-handedly.
"I do always speak as if I'm going to win."
This is a quote from what I said before, and it implies heavily that I think or believe otherwise, or at least that my thoughts or beliefs don't coincide with my speech. This is a literary term called irony. You may have heard of it. In this case, verbal irony was used. Let me make this abundantly clear for you, but don't take offense or anything, because I'm just assuming that you don't know everything about irony. Irony means that the literal translation of what I'm saying isn't the same as the meaning behind it. A common example of irony would be sarcasm, which is often referred to as "verbal irony". In this case, what I'm saying would be the opposite of what I mean.
The point is, given the above quote, it was rather obvious that what I was saying was ironic, in one sense or the other. In such a case, which it just so happens to be, I wouldn't be wrong as you claimed I was. Which is why I used another form of irony to say that you didn't know what you were talking about; in this case, regarding my being right or wrong.
In conclusion...I'll probably have to use both of my hands.