Brackets and Battle Elements

Team Crepusculum vs. Team Awexome
Unholy Spirit vs. jamiejoneslovesu Battle Element:

Wizardcat vs. Terroking

vrt vs. truddy02

Team Noname vs. Team Chinchilla
Snoweb vs. Pervepic

The dictator vs. Demagog

Higurashi vs. kevkev60614

Team Cerberus vs. Team Diamanti
Legit vs. Essence

mrpaper vs. jmdt

Dragoon vs. ddevans96

Team glm vs. Team Tempest
giversgivealot vs. unit748596

lavagolem vs. xuru

malignant vs. majofa
You have Round complete. to complete your match.Team Omega! vs. Team Crepusculum
Killsdazombies vs. Unholy Spirit

TheOwner vs. Wizardcat

Dragoon1140 vs. vrt

Team Watermelon vs. Team Noname
nilsieboy vs. SnoWeb

RavingRabbid vs. the dictator

MrBlonde vs. Higurashi
You have Round complete. to complete your match.Team Omega! vs. Team Cerberus
Killsdazombies vs. Legit

TheOwner vs. mrpaper

Dragoon1140 vs. Dragoon

Team Chinchilla vs. Team Diamanti
Pervepic vs. Essence

Demagog vs. Jmdt

kevkev60614 vs. ddevans96

Team Awexome vs. Team Noname
jamiejoneslovesu vs. Snoweb

Terroking vs. the dictator

truddy02 vs. Higurashi

Team Watermelon vs. Team glm
nilsieboy vs. giversgivealot

RavingRabbid vs. lavagolem

MrBlonde vs. malignant
You have Round complete. to complete your match.Team Omega! vs. Team Watermelon
Killsdazombies vs. nilsieboy

TheOwner vs. RavingRabbid

Dragoon1140 vs. MrBlonde

Team glm vs. Team Chinchilla
giversgivealot vs. Pervepic

lava golem vs. Demagog

malignant vs. kevkev60614

Team Cerberus vs. Team Tempest
Legit vs. unit748596

mrpaper vs. xuru

Dragoon vs. majofa
You have Round complete. to complete your match.Team glm vs. Team Tempest
giversgivealot vs. unit748596

lava golem vs. xuru

malignant vs. majofa
You have Round complete. to complete your match.Team Omega! vs. Team Tempest
Killsdazombies vs. unit748596

TheOwner vs. xuru

Dragoon1140 vs. majofa

Since Team Omega! and Team Watermelon have already played, I wanted to switch things up a bit. I'm going to have each person play one of the people they haven't already played. If Team Omega! wins and we go on to the second final match, I'll switch it up again. And I'm going to post both "rounds" so that I don't have to later. Yall can play both rounds simultaneously, just to speed things along. Of course, if Team Watermelon wins the first round, then the second round's matches don't matter. Also, since both rounds will be up and it's the finals, I'm going to allow six days for this to be completed. That should be plenty of time to make decks for all the battles.
You have Round complete. to complete your match.Team Omega! vs. Team Watermelon
Killsdazombies vs. RavingRabbid

TheOwner vs. MrBlonde

Dragoon1140 vs. nilsieboy

Team Omega! vs. Team Watermelon
Killsdazombies vs. MrBlonde

TheOwner vs. nilsieboy

Dragoon1140 vs. RavingRabbid

New rule: Altering your battle summary after it has been posted will result in a forfeit. Be certain you posted the correct decks. Even if you just corrected a typo, it's a forfeit.
Event complete. Winner: Team Watermelon.
Thanks for playing, everyone. I hope you enjoyed it.