Ok, since many people seem to have strong opinions regarding this event, I thought I'd post some of the changes majofa or I have been considering. If it seems fairly sensible it's probably majofa's, and if it's kind of crazy it's probably one of my contributions.

Crazy first:Lots of people have called for more restriction to deckbuilding. What if instead of simply adding generic restrictions such as banned cards, we use a similar system as Eva's dueling section? To explain: When one player challenges another, the challenged player may propose a custom rule set, such as "we can only use monos" or whatever strikes their fancy. The challenger must either accept those custom rules or drop their challenge.
Some ground rules:
- all special rules must have an equal effect for both players (no "if your name is furballdn you win")
- special rules would not be allowed to affect anything already dictated by the event special rules (such as number of upgrades or number of matches played)
- players are not allowed to create special rules with the obvious intent of making the match unfun.
- probably some other necessary rules I'm not thinking of atm.
We would provide some basic suggestions to help things get going, but for the most part players would be free to be as weird or boring with their challenges as they wanted.
Less crazy:During signups, players choose a card. All the chosen cards are restricted, and can't be used by any players except those who chose them (multiple players could submit the same card). When you defeat a player, you gain their upgrades as previously, and you also gain access to one of their restricted cards.
Other various changes that may or may not be worth implementing, depending on whether we go with one of the above choices or something else:- Remove no-decking rule? (I tend to say we keep this with the second suggestions, or discard it if we use custom duels.)
- Don't require decks to be shown? (I don't see a big issue with removing this requirement)
- Players may refuse challenges for 1 hour after completing a duel.
Feedback welcome!