A small scrap of paper sat at my windowsill. On one side, the address of an old, abandoned home was written down. The other side had a time: tonight at midnight. I arrived in the front yard of the house when I heard the sound of rustling leaves. I turned around and saw Tichan running at me with a five meter sword. I ducked as he swung at me, and I then jumped towards him. I deflected his swing and proceeded to chop off his left arm. While he muttered something about his wound being "just a scratch," I slashed at his chest. He then swung his blade into my thigh. I retaliated, jabbing my sword straight into his neck.
RootRanger 3 - 1 Tichan
Before: 6 upgrades, Discord, Sanctuary, Lightning, Unstable Gas, Fire Bolt, Phoenix.
After: 11 upgrades, Discord, Sanctuary, Lightning, Unstable Gas, Fire Bolt, Phoenix, Poison, Nova, Black Hole, Immolation, Fractal.