The Pyrocloaks arrived first among the groups, alone in possessing a road connection from their capital to Aurdinas.
They scouted the ruins for two full days, the Bard eventually finding an excavation open to the air; the Wizard confirmed that traces and scents of draconic activity were strongest around here, suggesting that the tunnel led to the dragon's lair.
However, they decided to wait one more night in order to have plenty of rest before charging into the depths.
The Queen, however, remained awake, looking out over the ruins, sighing softly. "I wish we didn't have to kill such a majestic creature..."
"That is your choice, my child."
She spun around to see a heavy man barely an arm's reach away, standing over a tripod and sketching the ruins. "Who are you?"
He smiled. "Me? I am but a simple artist and a seer. I may tell you shades of the future, if you would like."
"All right, go."
"If you truly wish it, breathe fumes from below, and your heart's desire will find you before noon."
The Queen opened her mouth, then closed it again, hesitating before replying. "And what says my heart's desire will come true?"
"There are many strange things in the hoard beneath our feet. They may prove receptive."
"Hmm. Thank you, seer." She returned her attention to the ruins, closing eyes, approaching the tunnel to breathe the hot air from below. After an hour, she lay asleep while the seer packed up and moved to a different part of the city for his sketching. He seemed somewhat anxious to be elsewhere.
At dawn, the remainder of the chosen band from Zyarhelm burst from their encampment to search for the Queen. All were relieved to find her a short distance from camp, near the excavation, but less relieved to see her looking quite so... red.
As she woke, roused by her companions, she yawned and revealed far sharper teeth than she should by all rights have... and this only preceded many more changes.
"...there's the dragon's hoard..." She gave up speaking for the moment, grimacing from consistent pain as her body shifted and expanded. Her companions surrounded her warily, weapons out, as skin covered itself with ruby scales, and great, leathery wings unfurled.
In less than an hour, the Queen went from dragon hunter to dragon. Not quite as grand as the one which took residence in Aurdinas, but regal and rather intimidating nonetheless. The Wizard approached cautiously. "My Lady?"
She replied, in a coarser voice, "I'm still here...I'm free..." The team lowered their weapons as she appeared to still have a grasp on herself; the magic-wielders began discussing how to get her back to normal.
Not a good move.
"I'M FREE!" She roared, a great pillar of fire scorching the sky. She then grasped the two nearest in her talons, soaring skywards. Once dropped, the Enchanter and Wizard greeted the ground with sickening crunch.
The Crusader and Bard met similar fates, though at least they had time to prepare and react. The Crusader rushed for the tent, returning with the alexandrite blade brought to slay the dragon - the original dragon. Though this weapon did not immediately subdue the Queen, it remained lodged in her scales, grating against her ribs as she continued to move, slashing the Crusader with her claws before roasting the Bard.
The Scribe hid, watching the midday sun pass as the enraged new dragon flew off southwest. With what little of her humanity remained after the sudden and drastic change, the Queen seemed to be intent on returning to her homeland...but even as she flew, draconic instincts subsumed the rest of her rationality as the sword continued to pain her.
On the return journey, the Scribe made all possible haste with the help of a phoenix servant, but found Zyarhelm in ruins while loud howls and tremors emanated from the palace.
The city was mostly burned or otherwise wrecked...but the tremors suddenly stopped, though some of the fires remained. In the throne room, the Scribe found the Queen-turned-dragon, resting over a pile of shiny objects...but she did not move.
In fact, she appeared to have succumbed to her wound and the internal damage it caused. The Scribe looked for other citizens, trying to piece together information or some scrap of civilization...but all were either fled or burned.
Zyarhelm faded into darkness as the embers burned out, becoming a memory much as Aurdinas.
Thus did the Pyrocloaks fall, ruined by gravity, fire, and a ruler whose wish to be a dragon cost her not just body but also her mind.