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Re: The Colosseum https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg386692#msg386692
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2011, 10:43:00 am »
This event looks like pure awesome... Is there any timeframe for when this will start? I definitely don't want to miss it. Also if someone can PM me when signups do start i would appreciate it.
I'm checking every hour during work. If I get fired, someone better sponsor me for playing Elements!

ps. I love you I'll pm you!

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Re: The Colosseum https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg386706#msg386706
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2011, 11:29:18 am »
Hey! Hey! Calm down everybody! I will have a big timer for when signups start soon, ok? :)
[18:21:43] jmdt: elements is just math over top of a GUI
Kakerlake: I believe that there is no God as in something that can think by itself and does stuff that sounds way OP.


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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg386819#msg386819
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2011, 05:36:53 pm »
ohhh mya gyod, ohhh mya gyod, ohhh mya god, pre-signup signup thread has been created. Sets timer on phone.


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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg386835#msg386835
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2011, 06:05:08 pm »
yep, the pre sign-ups are a good idea. looks very builded event, like it very well :) Wanna in!!! Pre sign me up, pls!!! :D

Offline Jappert

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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg386837#msg386837
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2011, 06:09:00 pm »
You better not open that topic one minute late, I've set my alarm clock aswel! This sure looks awesome, cant wait.

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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg387430#msg387430
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2011, 12:03:44 am »
first of all: do you know opponents strenghts, weaknesses, etc before deckbuilding?

+ Patient: From the fifth match in a single round onwards you may use 10 additional upgraded cards.
+ Revenge: After a defeat, you may use 4 extra upgraded cards.
+ First Blood: In the first two matches you may use 5 additional upgraded cards.
- Coward: If your opponent can use more upgraded cards than you, lose all your Strengths except your starting one.

do you lose the strengths after first win/5th match? or get it after 2 matches? or just the state before around?

+ Chemist: Any alchemy cards you use may be upgraded.
- Coward: If your opponent can use more upgraded cards than you, lose all your Strengths except your starting one.

CAN use or REALLY use? so chemist>coward all the time?

+ First Blood: In the first two matches you may use 5 additional upgraded cards.
- Stubborn: You may only switch between two different decks each round.

losing upgraded cards isnt a change of the deck, right?

+ Revenge: After a defeat, you may use 4 extra upgraded cards.

after each defeat, so 8 after 2 matches lost?

+ Intimidating: Your opponent may use six less upgraded cards.
+ Revenge: After a defeat, you may use 4 extra upgraded cards.

if opponent has no upgraded cards, is the effect of revenge canceled by intimidating?
and, if you may use upgraded hourglasses by envoirement, do you have to use unupgraded then to fullfill opponents intimidating and use others upgraded?

- Focused: You must have at least 6 copies of a chosen Style Card in every deck.

a different stylecard possible for each deck?

- Berserk: You may use up to six copies of Rage Potion but may not use shields or any card that causes your HP to increase (except where required by arena rules).

that also means antimatter?

Environmental Advantage: you may use Forest Scorpion, Deathstalker, Dune Scorpion and Hematite Golem, both unupped and upped.
Environmental Advantage: Dragons may be used upped.
- Coward: If your opponent can use more upgraded cards than you, lose all your Strengths except your starting one.

both CAN use the same, so no effect, no matter how many really in the deck, right?

Environmental Disadvantage: every deck must have one Relic for each 10 cards it contains, unless it has at least 50% cards from either Darkness or Light.

so 2 relics in a 30-32 card deck and 3 in a 33 card deck? or 3 in 30 cards/ 4 in 31-40?

Environmental Advantage: Dragons may be used upped.

cremation ok?

Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use more than four copies of the same Style Card in any of your decks.
- Focused: You must have at least 6 copies of a chosen Style Card in every deck.


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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg387457#msg387457
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2011, 01:05:21 am »
first of all: do you know opponents strenghts, weaknesses, etc before deckbuilding?
Yes.  As soon as all character sheets are PM'd, organizers will publish them.  Then betting starts and when betting has concluded round one will begin.

+ Patient: From the fifth match in a single round onwards you may use 10 additional upgraded cards.  Match 5 (and up, if applicable) only, against each opponent.  Next opponent it resets to 0 until match 5.
+ Revenge: After a defeat, you may use 4 extra upgraded cards.  If you go lose, win, lose, win, win, you may use four additional ups in matches 2 and 4.
+ First Blood: In the first two matches you may use 5 additional upgraded cards.  Match 1 and 2 against each opponent.  Not matches 3+.
- Coward: If your opponent can use more upgraded cards than you, lose all your Strengths except your starting one.  Against this opponent only.  Resets against next opponent.

+ Chemist: Any alchemy cards you use may be upgraded.
- Coward: If your opponent can use more upgraded cards than you, lose all your Strengths except your starting one.
CAN use or REALLY use? so chemist>coward all the time?
Alchemy doesn't count when counting ups for Coward.

+ First Blood: In the first two matches you may use 5 additional upgraded cards.
- Stubborn: You may only switch between two different decks each round.
losing upgraded cards isnt a change of the deck, right?

+ Revenge: After a defeat, you may use 4 extra upgraded cards.
after each defeat, so 8 after 2 matches lost?
If you go lose, win, lose, win, win, you may use four additional ups in matches 2 and 4.

+ Intimidating: Your opponent may use six less upgraded cards.
+ Revenge: After a defeat, you may use 4 extra upgraded cards.
if opponent has no upgraded cards, is the effect of revenge canceled by intimidating?
and, if you may use upgraded hourglasses by envoirement, do you have to use unupgraded then to fullfill opponents intimidating and use others upgraded?
Intimidating cancels Revenge but not Environmental effects.

- Focused: You must have at least 6 copies of a chosen Style Card in every deck.
a different stylecard possible for each deck?

- Berserk: You may use up to six copies of Rage Potion but may not use shields or any card that causes your HP to increase (except where required by arena rules).
that also means antimatter?
Yes.  And Minor Vampire.  And a lot of other cards.  Basically if a card you play causes your HP to increase during a match you forfeit that match.

Environmental Advantage: you may use Forest Scorpion, Deathstalker, Dune Scorpion and Hematite Golem, both unupped and upped.
Environmental Advantage: Dragons may be used upped.
- Coward: If your opponent can use more upgraded cards than you, lose all your Strengths except your starting one.
both CAN use the same, so no effect, no matter how many really in the deck, right?

Environmental Disadvantage: every deck must have one Relic for each 10 cards it contains, unless it has at least 50% cards from either Darkness or Light.
so 2 relics in a 30-32 card deck and 3 in a 33 card deck? or 3 in 30 cards/ 4 in 31-40?
3 in 30 cards/4 in 31-40

Environmental Advantage: Dragons may be used upped.
cremation ok?
I think you meant to copy "Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use any quanta source from non-Arena Elements."  Fire is an arena element, so yes immo is okay.

Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use more than four copies of the same Style Card in any of your decks.
- Focused: You must have at least 6 copies of a chosen Style Card in every deck.
Good catch.  We may change the environmental disadvantage before registration closes.  If it stays as is, the Environmental Disadvantage takes precedent over your weakness, and you may not use more than four copies of the same Style Card in any of your decks.
I really appreciate the thought and feedback, Ant.  We'll make some clarifications to the opening post before registration ends.

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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg387468#msg387468
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2011, 01:20:35 am »
thanks for the quick answers, im thinking about pros and cons of different settings now for hours and still no real clue.

one more question:

- Vain: All decks must include 3 relics.
Environmental Disadvantage: every deck must have one Relic for each 10 cards it contains, unless it has at least 50% cards from either Darkness or Light.

then 6 relics or still 3 for 30 cards?

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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg387527#msg387527
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2011, 02:42:32 am »
- Vain: All decks must include 3 relics.
Environmental Disadvantage: every deck must have one Relic for each 10 cards it contains, unless it has at least 50% cards from either Darkness or Light.

then 6 relics or still 3 for 30 cards?

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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg387529#msg387529
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2011, 02:46:43 am »
ty, and another question:

 :entropy :air
Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use more than four copies of the same Style Card in any of your decks.

and, if i have  :entropy :air stylecards, are they then restricted to 4?

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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg387533#msg387533
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2011, 02:54:54 am »
ty, and another question:

 :entropy :air
Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use more than four copies of the same Style Card in any of your decks.

and, if i have  :entropy :air stylecards, are they then restricted to 4?

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Re: The Colosseum - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30183.msg387541#msg387541
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2011, 03:08:18 am »
ty, and another question:

 :entropy :air
Environmental Disadvantage: You may not use more than four copies of the same Style Card in any of your decks.

and, if i have  :entropy :air stylecards, are they then restricted to 4?

so no chance for a Energy Adept to get the +4 other element card bonus(from Environmental Advantage), cause his nova is restricted? (sry, if i ask again, just want to get sure)

and here
+ First Blood: In the first two matches you may use 5 additional upgraded cards.
- Stubborn: You may only switch between two different decks each round.
losing upgraded cards isnt a change of the deck, right?
so its also possible to change (also unforced) the upgraded cards?

