Also, you may want to take a screenshot of your bets, so that when you check the bets after they have been locked you can prove that they have been altered.
Hm.. I don't think that helps much because the problem is not really participants not being able to
prove their results have been altered, problem is results being altered.

1. I make my bet
2. You lock it
3. I check my bet
Them one of the following happens
4a. My bet is ok and the sheet cannot be altered by anyone. No problems.
4b. Someone changed my bet. I inform the organizer who makes the changes to the sheet. It stays locked the whole time and no outsider can edit it. No problems.
So you see, I don't really have to prove anything. Revision history will show if something has been changed or not, although I really doubt that someone would like that his or her bets has been changed, seeing that the battles have not even started.
I improved the security a bit. I added a script that sends email to a specific email address (both organizers) every time someone makes an edit to that spreadsheet. The email says "New Colosseum betting has been posted" and has a link to the file. What sucks about the script is that it sends one email per edit meaning that if you write your name and insert 32 winners, you will get 33 emails.

Hopefully someone more interested in Google code will help out and modify the script so that it for example has a limit of one email per each 5 minutes. Here's the simple code I used.
function myFunction() {
// The code below will email the topleft cell in the active range to another user
MailApp.sendEmail("", "New Colosseum betting has been posted.", "");
It's not a perfect solution but it should help a bit. That is if we get rid of that spammy part of the code.