Calindu 3-2 Zso_Zso
Game 1: WIN
This one was the easiest one, got a fast Titan on the table then damaged him like that until I killed him with Chargers in 1 turn.
Game 2: WIN
Got a comeback in this game, once I had 1 Charger and 2 Guards AMed on the table then came back to damage him and kill him.
Game 3: LOSS
Too many AMs to counter, had to try to kill him faster as he got 2 dragons on the table.
Game 4: LOSS
Too little quanta, Eternity+Nymphs ate me, seeds did nothing good.
Game 5: WIN
This one was a good and close one, came back from me having 0 pillars, him with Eternity+BEed Salvager on the table and 19 hp to kill him with 2 dragons when I had 3 hp left.
Ggs Zso!