Good Games Calindu!
I have practically lost this battle at the end of previous round when I made the wrong choice of new strength resulting in the Coward weakness trigger giving me a 0-12 upgrade disadvantage. So I knew already during deckbuilding I had very little chance to win this. The actual match turned out match closer than expected.
Game 1 Loss 0-1 Pande-mutate dis-stall:
Not much I could do against an early Titan slowly killing me.
Game 2 Loss 0-2 Eternal butterfly:
Looked much more promising when I had all 3 of his creatures on the table AMd, but he came back with a sudden blitzkrieg of massive damage I could not rewind fast enough.
Game 3 Win 1-2 Antimatter Dragons:
Lucky deck choice won me this one.
Game 4 Win 2-2 Antimatter stall:
Some crazy antimatter battle back and force. Poor dragons must have been dizzy with all the flipping around. Eternity helped me come out on top of that switcharoo despite Cal having more nymphs.
Game 5 Loss 2-3 Mammoth trio stall:
This was probably the most epic PVP battle I had so far. In this crazy deck I packed all the little things I needed to counter what Cal was throwing at me: BE on a salvager to destroy the eternity he stole from me, then destroy his quanta sources, otyugh to eat his nymphs, AMs and eternity to reduce damage and stall forever. I actually could have won the game if I do not rewind my GP-ed salvager when his table was empty but keep it destroying any new pillar he plays. That way I would have delayed him playing the finishing 2 dragons -- I only needed 1 turn delay, since he was down to 3HP and my eternity alone was doing more damage per turn. Well that's the kind of mistake you make playing at 3am...
Really intense games, Congrats Cal, you deserve to move forward -- at least I made you sweat for it

PS: with a fresh morning mind, I see that my crucial mistake in game-5 didn't actually matter, because I already made a fatal mistake in switching decks between game 3 and 4, which was not allowed due to my "Mindless" weakness. Oh well, it shows I'm so mindless that I even forgot my mindlessness